Pivoting off PSYOP-19 and PSYOP-UKRAINE-INVASION is the critically vital PSYOP-SUPPLY-CHAIN-BREAKDOWN which is exacerbating PSYOP-HYPERINFLATION and PSYOP-FAMINE.
Which brings us to the wholly manufactured global food supply crisis, with hundreds of food processing plants just in America alone having been sabotaged.
It would not be a stretch to conclude that the very same agencies and forces behind the “pandemic” and the slow kill bioweapon injections are behind the coordinated food processing plant destruction.

Eggs are a vital protein source for Americans, and have been an affordable and reliable food for decades, even during avian flu-type “outbreaks.” But now we are seeing a deliberate scheme to drive egg prices through the stratosphere:
Why now, and why eggs specifically?
A UC DAVIS article entitled COVID-19 Antibodies From Eggs provides some clues.
Researchers at the University of California, Davis, have been able to produce antibodies to the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein in hen eggs. Antibodies harvested from eggs might be used to treat COVID-19 or as a preventative measure for people exposed to the disease. The work was published July 9 in the journal Viruses.
Birds produce a type of antibody called IgY, comparable to IgG in humans and other mammals. IgY does not cause allergy or set off immune reactions when injected into humans. IgY appears both in birds’ serum and in their eggs. As a hen lays about 300 eggs a year, you can get a lot of IgY, Gallardo said.
The research did not establish that eating eggs conferred any protection against COVID, but we may assume that IgY antibodies may survive the process of digestion and present anti-viral benefits; to wit:
Even though it is a protein molecule, IgY is resistant to heat and pH, being stable between 30° and 70 °C and active between pH 3.5 and 11. However, the affinity of IgY to its antigen decreases with increasing temperature. Nonetheless, the addition of sucrose, maltose and glycine protects IgY from heat denaturation [8], while sorbitol stabilizes it at acid pH [26]. IgY is resistant to inactivation by the proteolytic enzymes trypsin and chymotrypsin, but is degraded by pepsin [27]. The digestion of IgY with papain leads to a Fc fragment plus two monovalent Fab fragments, like IgG. Nonetheless, IgY digestion with pepsin leads to a pFc′ fragment and two monovalent Fab fragments, unlike mammalian antibodies, which forms one bivalent Fab fragment when cleaved by pepsin [28]. The characteristics of IgY, in comparison to IgG, are summarized in Table 1 .
Nonetheless, unprotected IgY consumed as egg yolk in liquid [37] and powder forms [38] showed resistance to the gastrointestinal tract conditions in calves.
Source: Egg yolk antibodies (IgY) and their applications in human and veterinary health: A review
It is important to note that IgY is the evolutionary precursor of mammalian IgG and IgE, and as such may impart significant immune benefits to humans, especially at a time when unhealthy diets are wrecking havoc on the population, by design.
The UC DAVIS article includes an especially troubling detail:
Purified antibodies were tested for their ability to block coronavirus from infecting human cells at the National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases at George Mason University in Virginia.
The National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases is nothing more than yet another university node of the Intelligence Industrial Complex. Just like Ralph Baric cooked up gain of function at the University of North Carolina, the National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases are researching on behalf of the DoD, DARPA, NIH, CIA, various “nonprofits” and other One World Government entities. And these universities are nothing more than analogues to DoD asset corporations such as Pfizer and the rest of the BigPharma complex.
Basically, the entire COVID program was perpetrated by the very same players that are now hyper-focused on destroying the food supply, with hatcheries and crucial infrastructure like energy production increasingly in their crosshairs. (Because “climate change.”)
And the removal of eggs from the staple diet increases the propensity for death and destruction, which is a net positive for the planetary eugenics program that is the Great Reset.
Which brings us to the far more nefarious component of the egg shortage and the consequent GMO engineering of the bird supply.
Gallardo is working with colleagues Daria Mochly-Rosen at Stanford University and Michael Wallach, University of Technology, Sydney, to develop the egg-based antibody technology. The team hopes to deploy these antibodies in a preventative treatment such as a spray, that could be used by people at high risk of exposure to coronavirus.
Now that Bill Gates insider traded windfall profits from mRNA injections, he is now admitting that these “vaccines” are utterly useless for all things COVID:
So it comes as no coincidence that soothsayer Bill Gates is now pivoting to spray “vaccines” as institutions like National Center for Biodefense and Infectious Diseases are developing spray “treatments.”
But sociopaths like Rockefeller allopathic medicine man Gates are not only never satisfied with nature, but they are compelled to completely pervert nature. How better to more efficiently stealth depopulate the planet? And so hens must be pumped full of spike proteins in order to pervert modify their natural IgY production.
Which brings us to a recent CCP funded recent study entitled Chicken Egg Yolk Antibodies (IgYs) block the binding of multiple SARS-CoV-2 spike protein variants to human ACE2, which stated:
We investigated the neutralizing effect of anti-spike-S1 IgYs on the SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus, as well as its inhibitory effect on the binding of the coronavirus spike protein mutants to human ACE2. Our results show that the anti-Spike-S1 IgYs showed significant neutralizing potency against SARS-CoV-2 pseudovirus, various spike protein mutants, and even SARS-CoV in vitro. It might be a feasible tool for the prevention and control of ongoing COVID-19.
The materials and methods for creating “treatment” sprays are as follows:
Each hen was injected (intramuscular) with 150 μg of the recombinant spike protein under the wings, once a week for 4 weeks, and then IgY was extracted and the titer evaluated.
The conclusion of this study is nothing more than a CCP and Bill Gates partnership in never-ending injections, sprays and lockdowns:
At present, the SARS-CoV-2 virus is still spreading around the world, and there is much to be done to prevent and control the pandemic. The use of IgYs in aerosol or spray formulations on the respiratory tract, the oral cavity, and even the digestive tract may be a worthwhile strategy. It might prevent the invasion of the SARS-CoV-2 virus through the natural infection route. Long-term control of the SARS-CoV-2, however, will require a combination of active and passive immunization tools, drug therapy, and other preventive measures.
Vaccines have never prevented nor attenuated any viral infections, ever; in fact, they significantly increase the chances for the diseases that they claim to protect against (e.g. Increased risk of noninfluenza respiratory virus infections associated with receipt of inactivated influenza vaccine).
While it is true that the most effective means of prevention and treatment of viruses whose means of infection occur via nasal and lung passageways would include the use of sprays, it is abundantly clear that all forthcoming BigPharma offerings will include some kind of GMO manipulation, modified mRNA, LNP, PEG, graphene oxide, and various other poisons. In other words, they may prevent and treat the infection in the short-term precisely because said treatments will slow kill the patients over time: a deviously depraved win/lose proposition a la today’s DEATHVAXXED™ genetically modified humans.
But sprays that Gates is now heavily investing in (pumping in tax-free dollars to only shortly thereafter dump the stocks for windfall profits just like he did with Moderna) and all other “treatments” and “vaccines” are nothing more than stopgaps en route to the total contamination of the food supply with forced mRNA into all foods:

Because Gates’ God complex views cattle as not just bovine, but human as well.
The Lunatic Farmer Joe Salatin sums up the egg and food supply sabotage perfectly:
Eggs are on everybody’s mind these days. Highly Pathogenic Avian Influenza (HPAI) is the boogeyman at least for the shortage in the supermarket. And then you have all the backyard flocks that haven’t laid for six months, apparently primarily fed on the Tractor Supply Corp. (TSC) Producer’s Pride brand made by Purina. These are two completely separate stories.
First, the HPAI epizootic, which the news media says has killed 58 million birds in the last year, dropping the number of laying hens in the U.S. by 6 percent. Be assured that the cause and cure for this will be as unscientific as the cause and cure for covid. Remember hydroxychloroquine? Well, underground scuttlebutt has it that hypochlorous acid stops HPAI. A few drops in the water and all is well. It’s cheap and readily available, so chances are no reputable official will look at it. Just sayin’. Time for some underground experiments.
The main thing to realize is that the chicken numbers HPAI has allegedly killed are not actually HPAI mortalities. Most are non-symptomatic apparently healthy birds in the same area, only killed as a precaution. Think about that for a moment. I talked with a guy who had 250 surviving birds in a flock of 3,000. The USDA (duh) required the 250 healthy survivors to be exterminated. Now what in the name of common sense would make you want to kill the strong ones, the ones you could save as breeders to transfer immunity to subsequent generations?
Is that our new science? Kill the strong? Kill the survivors? These policies are exactly opposite anything you’d want if you really wanted genetic adaptation and natural immunity to develop. It’s craziness. I guess in a nation that demands equality, this is the ultimate—kill the survivors so they will be equally dead with the weak.
At least the experts admit they don’t know why it happens or how it transmits. Oh, they’ve got ideas, but not really. It is weak. Temperatures as low as 85-100 degrees F kill it. What’s amazing is that the USduh gives a clean bill of health to farms within 6 weeks of extermination. If this virus is as ubiquitous as they say, how on earth do you know it’s gone from a farm in 50 days? That’s insane. And who’s going to keep all the wild ducks from flying over? That’ll be the next agenda, I suppose.
Now to the non-laying backyard flocks eating TSC Purina feed. In 2020, 1 million new backyard flocks started in the U.S. That brought a lot of new customers to TSC for bagged chicken feed. TSC feed uses Genetically Modified Organism (GMO) corn. For years, even conventional dairy farmers have stayed away from GMO corn because it allegedly causes spontaneous abortions in their lactating cows. Doesn’t seem to affect non-breeding stock. Interesting.
Egg smuggling from Mexico into the U.S. is now a big deal. Mexico doesn’t allow GMOs. In fact, a big brouhaha is brewing over an outright ban on all imported GMOs there and American farmers are apoplectic. I’m just surmising here, musing if you will: if GMOs affect embryos in dairy cows, is it a stretch to think they affect eggs in chickens? And the fact that Mexico is not having any of this problem, do you reckon that could have anything to do with not feeding GMOs? And the fact that all these American backyard flocks, when they go to local feed sources, see their flocks immediately begin to lay again—what’s that all about?
A lot is going on folks, in the air, in the bowels of the swamp, in the unseen microbial community fighting for space at a microscopic level. Be smart out there. Keep watching. We live in interesting times. Eggs are one of nature’s most complete and enjoyable nutrient dense human foods. Listen, world, don’t mess with my eggs.
How secure is your egg supply?
GMO eggs are no longer our sole concern; we now we have spike protein and mRNA infected GMO eggs to contend with.
Secure your organic free-range eggs ASAP.
It’s now or never.
And please consider supporting this substack by upgrading to a paid membership, as well as protecting yourself and your loved ones by securing a supply of the powerful nutraceutical VIR-X.
Do NOT comply.
Why hasn’t Gates met his Fate yet?
The poisoning isn't gonna stop. Everyone will need to figure out their own food over the next year or so. This is a war on humans by an anti-human cult.