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"The momentum is there,” Rep. Lou Correa says of psychedelics; not cannabis
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"The momentum is there,” Rep. Lou Correa says of psychedelics; not cannabis

Ep. 109 — Rep. Lou Correa (3-11-2025)
Construction on the US Capitol grounds. Photo: Matt Laslo


Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA)

LISTEN: Laslo & Correa


Ask a Pol asks:

Has the Congressional Cannabis Caucus met yet this new, 119th Congress?

Key Correa:

“No,” Rep. Lou Correa exclusively tells Ask a Pol.

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Psychedelics popular, cannabis forgotton at Capitol

“The PATH [phsycedelics] Caucus, we got a meeting today and tomorrow, and I think,” Correa says. “If I may presuppose, I think we have momentum. The momentum is there.”


ICYMI — we sold our Correa exclusive to Marijuana Moment

Caught our ear:

“We’re going to get there,” Correa tells us.

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Below find a rough transcript of Ask a Pol’s exclusive interview with Rep. Lou Correa (D-CA), slightly edited for clarity.

TRANSCRIPT: Rep. Lou Correa

SCENE: As Rep. Lou Correa makes his way to the floor of the US House of Representatives to vote, Ask a Pol’s Matt Laslo catches him…

Matt Laslo: “I was curious, has the Cannabis Caucus met?”

Lou Correa: “The what Cannabis Caucus?”

ML: “The Cannabis Caucus, have you all met yet?”

LC: “No.”

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ML: “Why not?”

Correa pauses, Laslo laughs.

LC: “We’re going to get there.”

Laslo laughs.

LC: “You know, the PATH Caucus, we got a meeting today and tomorrow, and I think, you know, if I may presuppose, I think we have momentum. The momentum is there.”

ML: “Path Caucus, what’s that? Is that…”

LC: “Psychedelics Caucus.”

ML: “Really, so you guys have met?”

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LC: “We’re meeting today and then tomorrow morning again.”

ML: “Really? Nothing for cannabis? So the ship has kind of sailed when it comes to cannabis?”

LC: “You know I assume, eventually, we’ll bring that up.”

ML: “Well, it just seems like they don’t want to talk about it?”

Correa walks through a Member’s only security door.

LC: (inaudible)

Nicolae Viorel Butler contributed to this report.

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