Astrology Journal
Planet Transits
Pluto in Aquarius | Refuge Within

Pluto in Aquarius | Refuge Within


Hi Everyone,

I had some really exciting personal shifts over the last few days since Pluto entered Aquarius. They gave me insight into Pluto in Aquarius so I recorded some of my thoughts. I share a little bit about my personal shifts, but mostly I talk about Pluto in Aquarius. (The video version is below if you prefer that.)

When Pluto entered Aquarius, it was squaring Jupiter in Taurus, which is still in the Integration part of its retrograde cycle. Currently, they are still squaring one another. I should be posting the final article in the retrograde series this week. In the article, I take an in-depth look at Jupiter’s retrograde cycle in Taurus, so the article should be a nice complement to this audio/video.

Thanks for listening :)

Correction for the Audio version

At the 07:48 mark, talking about the symbol for Cancer, I said, "You can see that as the arms holding the mother." I meant to say, "You can see that as the mother's arms holding the child."


Jan 23, 2023:

  • I forgot to include the image credit. The image for the Substack cover and the YouTube video thumb is by Anja from Pixabay.

  • Just caught another mis-speak. At about the 02:15 mark, I said that Jupiter is in Aquarius. It’s not. It’s in Taurus squaring Pluto in Aquarius.


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Astrology Journal
Planet Transits
All planet transit articles, videos, and podcasts, except those that are part of a series.