☕️ C&C NEWS ☙ Friday, October 21, 2022 ☙ THE REPLACEMENTS 🦠
School vaxx news & how to win the vaxx wars; Truss out in UK; NC Museum kills drag show; US's most depressing statistic; Fetterman finally wears a suit; OZ winning; Biden's oil plan; and lots more.
Happy Friday, C&C, and good morning! Today’s roundup includes: CDC school vaxx schedule news; a proposal for winning the vaxx wars; governors for/against school jabs; Liz Truss is out as UK PM before she could send out a single mean tweet; NC Museum shutters epic kids’ drag show after publicity; US sets a depressing record; Fetterman put on a suit and polls badly; Biden proposes petroleum plan; news of the apocalypse; corporate media shifts the midterm polling narrative; Florida arrests illegal voters; Israel decides NOT to help Ukraine; and Italy seems to prefer Putin.
🪖 I’ll be speaking tomorrow in The Villages, Florida, at the second annual Covid Summit. Yesterday I announced a small, quiet meet & greet for C&C fans, and the free tickets sold out in five minutes. So we called the hotel, got another room, doubled the available space, and updated EventBrite.
The extra space immediately sold out again. The hotel doesn’t have any more rooms! I apologize to those who wanted to attend but couldn’t get a ticket. Still, entry enforcement might be lax, you never know.
💉 Well, they did it; it’s done. Yesterday, after completely bypassing the FDA’s vaccine committee for the first time in history, the CDC’s committee officially approved adding the jabs to its lunatic school vaccine schedule. As expected.
It changes nothing.

The jabmakers already enjoyed liability protection under the PREP and CARES acts due to “emergency use.” But the music had to stop sometime, so now, under the rules related to scheduled vaccines, they can start selling their non-EUA products without fear of liability.
At least now we can get out of the state of emergency. Betting odds favor Biden ending the National State of Emergency before the election. Hurrah, or something.
States that want to jab kids, like California, had already tried to mandate vaccines as early as October, 2021:

Although California failed to push the jabs through in 2021, this week’s news will almost certainly spark the issue there. Other states’ laws automatically include the entire CDC vaccine schedule, so when the CDC added the jabs to the list, it also effectively added the mandate to those states.
So, to put it simply, we have another mandate fight on our hands. Fortunately, we are all veterans of the mandate wars now. It’s not an alien development. It hasn’t taken us by surprise. If you’re honest — you always knew this day was coming. It was always in the recipe.
🔥 There’s no point crying about it, we have work to do.
In the short term, school mRNA vaccine mandates must be opposed, blocked, tied up in litigation, and overthrown. We need to lobby the CDC to REMOVE the jabs from the vaccine schedule.
But those are battles. We can win the vaccine wars, by doing just one single thing. This objective is the final hill, the enemy’s HQ, it’s Hitler’s Bunker. Pharma has a single point of failure, an Achille’s Heel, an exposed port on its Death Star. If we can capture this objective, it will be all over.
We need a federal law removing vaccine injury liability shields.
If we do that, if we reverse the state and federal protections for vaccine makers, our long national nightmare will be over. It would instantly kill every single mandate. One tiny federal law would do it. Because federal law pre-empts state law, it simply doesn’t matter if blue states have their own liability shield laws. All it will take is a one-sentence federal law reversing ALL liability shields and requiring vaccine manufacturers to be liable for injuries caused by their products.
It’s that simple. Not easy, but simple.
There are also battles to be won at the state level. For example, Florida has a Deceptive and Unfair Trade Practices Act (FDUTPA), which allows lawsuits against companies that mislead consumers about the safety and efficacy of their products.
Right now, FDUTPA includes a long-standing exemption for pharma. But that exemption could be removed. Florida lawmakers?
Anyway, someone needs to start organizing a national campaign to reverse pharma’s vaccine liability shield. I’m not saying it will be easy. Pharma will fight like crazy.
But we know what we need to do. Let’s do it.
💉 I did a quick survey, and found the following governors who’ve publicly stated they will NOT add the covid shots to the school vaccine schedules in their states:
Ron DeSantis (R-FL)
Kim Reynolds (R-IA)
Kay Ivey (R-AL)
Bill Lee (R-TN)
Glenn Younkin (R-VA)
Kristi Noem (R-SD)
Mike Parson (R-MO)
Spencer Cox (R-UT)
Kevin Stitt (R-OK)
Jared Polis (D-CO)
You noted, I’m sure, that there’s only one ‘D’ in that list. And the following prominent Republican governors are, surprisingly, currently ‘missing in action’ on the school vaccine issue:
Greg Abbott (R-TX)
Brian Kemp (R-GA)
🔥 In widespread news from the UK, after only 45 days in office, Britain’s replacement Prime Minister, conservative Liz Truss, has resigned in disgrace, allegedly for the ‘crime’ of sending a government-related email from her personal email account.
Paging Hilary Clinton!
Truss, who had just announced a moderate reduction in the top income tax rate, won the Guinness world record for shortest-serving British Prime Minister. The British smell a rotting kipper. Former Brexit leader Nigel Farage says the UK’s government was just overthrown in a coup led by globalist elites, if you can believe that:

One of the things Farage is complaining about is the new interim Prime Minister, Jeremy Hunt, is a full-throated, unrepentant globalist dripping with murky connections to Davos and China, and who actively lobbied to set up covid quarantine camps — for kids. I’m not making that up.
Even more surreal, guess who’s now expected to win the special election for replacement Prime Minister Liz Truss’s replacement?
Boris Johnson.

Johnson, who oversaw draconian covid lockdowns and the creation of a government psychological operations team formally chartered to make the British people more fearful, was himself driven out of office for appointing pedophiles to high government office and then lying about it. Not to mention failing to follow his own covid rules.

It’s a weird old world, isn’t it?
🔥 This week, Christopher Rufo helped shut down another “family friendly” drag show, this time at the North Carolina Museum of Art, which was advertising the show to “promote gender fluidity” and — I am not making this up — to ignite a “maelstrom of passion” for children as young as two years old.

Really, who ARE these people? And how did they get put in charge of all our institutions like the North Carolina Museum?
And, why are these drag shows and story hours always for KIDS? Why don’t they have drag shows and story hours for accountants and lawyers and stuff? How did drag get connected to reading trans books to kids in the first place?
🧩 I have another serious question that has been bugging me for a while. What EXACTLY is the difference between a “transvestite” and a “transgender?”
Google hasn’t helped any. I already tried.
💊 Thanks, experts! After two disastrous years of covid pandemic policy, the United States now, depressingly, leads the world in consumption of ANOTHER big pharma product: antidepressants.
🔥 John Fetterman was spotted yesterday wearing a suit! He was meeting with Joe Biden, who stopped by Pennsylvania to help Fetterman campaign for the Senate against Dr. Oz.
Coincidentally, Fetterman’s polling has slipped and now Dr. Oz is projected to win.

🔥 Joe Biden’s extra-diverse, alternatively-lifestyled press secretary told a reporter this week that, to keep gas prices down, banning ALL PETROLEUM PRODUCTS was an idea that was “on the table.”

I wonder how they came up with THAT plan. They really are mining all the very best ideas, aren’t they? Or, does this Administration sound like it has no idea what it is doing?
I report, you decide.
🔥 In news of the apocalypse, the Catholic News Agency ran a story this week headlined, “Pope Francis Appoints Pro-Abortion Economist to Pontifical Academy for Life.” According to the article, back in 2016 Pope Francis approved rules eliminating the requirement that members of the Catholic think-tank declare themselves “pro-life,” which paved the way to start appointing people to the pro-life institution who are actually pro-abortion.
📉 After months of reporting polls purportedly showing democrats closing the gap with Republicans in the mid-term congressional races, NBC news revealed a new poll yesterday showing that voters are most concerned with the economy and with inflation. Abortion, which democrats had bet would be their winning issue, ranks near the bottom, with only 5% of voters calling it their ‘top issue.’

🔥 This week, Florida started arresting people who voted illegally in the last election, and corporate media thinks it is the WORST THING EVER.

According to corporate media, voting can be confusing, especially if you’re a convicted felon who hasn’t paid all your court costs. Illegal voting could happen to anybody! Plus, Governor DeSantis is an evil dictator literally one million times worse than President Trump.
Or something.
🔥 This week, according to its defense minister, Israel announced that it will NOT supply anti-drone weaponry to Ukraine after all. It did offer to help Ukraine build an ‘early warning system,’ however.
The decision might have something to do with Ukraine’s Nazi-affiliated battalions, since the Jews are a little touchy about Nazis after what happened during the LAST world war, but I’m just guessing.
🔥 The New York Times reported yesterday that the prime minster of Italy, Silvio Berlusconi, ran into a hot-mike problem this week and was caught blaming the Ukraine war on … Ukraine.

Apparently it’s not just the prime minister. Although unreported by corporate media, massive nationwide protests in Italy are decrying the war, and calling for an end to Italy’s involvement.
It’s probably just Putin lovers or something. Still, that’s a lot of Putin lovers.

Have a fabulous Friday! I’ll see you back here tomorrow morning, for the weekend edition.
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We need a federal law removing vaccine injury liability shields.
Who would have thought we would have a "Second Annual" ANYTHING related to COVID. Ugh.
Please Lord, do a new thing...make a road through this wilderness of insanity to lead us safely and victoriously through the madness. Make a river that brings restoration and healing and washes away the filth of perversion and greed, in Jesus' name.
"Behold, I will do something new,
Now it will spring forth;
Will you not be aware of it?
I will even make a roadway in the wilderness,
Rivers in the desert." --Isaiah 43:19 NASB1995