Herschel Sterling
Smell the Inside of Your Nose
Do We Observe or Project?

Do We Observe or Project?

Narratives Versus People Versus Televisions

What do we see when we see what we see? 5eeing is connected to objects. 0ne thing is connected to another thing. The visage we engage en6a9es us.

“People Versus Stories” Substack Photo Generator

This is referenced in the episode. https://commercialherschel.substack.com/p/the-visage-we-engage-engages-us < you could potentially click that.

I’m Commercial Herschel and I'm here to help. Broadcasting at KUAP-Digital Broadcasting, troubledminds.org. You can find me in all podcast realms. Subscribe to my Substack, or you can buy me a coffee to comment. You can watch the video versions at BitchuteHowtube, and Rumble. Here is some killer Web3 for you Lightning users, check out my StackerPublish0X is a good place for traffic. I get downloads from it. I'm not using anti-free-speech outlets as much as possible. So there's no Blew it Tube or panic trauma social media. Sharing really helps. If you see something I do that's funny or interesting, and you want to put it on your social media, go ahead. I'm just not getting involved with that.


Herschel Sterling
Smell the Inside of Your Nose
Evoking questions for your Smartbrain to ponder. 20... 30 minutes tops. Ease into the morning. I'm Commercial Herschel; Traveler, tradesman, Guardian of my SKULL. Podcasting in all realms. Watch video versions at Bitchute, Howtube, and Rumble.