767. Reorganize String medium
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Problem TLDR
Create non repeated subsequent chars string from string
What will not work:
naive bubble sort like n^2 algorithm – give false negatives
n^3 dynamic programming DFS+memo – too slow for the problem
Now, use the hint.
If each time the most frequent char used greedily, solution magically works. (proving that is a homework)
Use Pri0rityQueue to store indices of the frequencies array. If the next char is repeated, and it is the only one left, we have no solution.
Time complexity:
O(nlog(n)), each poll and insert is log(n) in PQSpace complexity:
O(n), for the result
fun reorganizeString(s: String): String = buildString {
val freq = IntArray(128)
s.forEach { freq[it.toInt()]++ }
val pq = PriorityQueue<Int>(compareBy({ -freq[it] }))
for (i in 0..127) if (freq[i] > 0) pq.add(i)
while (pq.isNotEmpty()) {
var ind = pq.poll()
if (isNotEmpty() && get(0).toInt() == ind) {
if (pq.isEmpty()) return ""
ind = pq.poll().also { pq.add(ind) }
insert(0, ind.toChar())
if (--freq[ind] > 0) pq.add(ind)