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# 31.08.2023 [1326. Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden]
Fill all space between `0..n` using minimum intervals
1326. Minimum Number of Taps to Open to Water a Garden hard
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Problem TLDR
Fill all space between 0..n
using minimum intervals
We need to fill space between points, so skip all zero intervals. Next, sort intervals and scan them greedily. Consider space between lo..hi
as filled. If from > lo
we must open another water source. However, there are possible good candidates before, if their to > hi
// 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
// 0 5 0 3 3 3 1 4 0 4
// 1 5 *************
// ^ ^
// lo hi
// 3 3 *************
// 4 3 *************
// ^ . ^
// from . to
// *** opened++
// ^ ^
// lo hi
// 5 3 *************
// ^ hi
// 7 4 *************
// ^ hi finish
// 6 1 *****
// 9 4 *********
Look at others solutions and steal the implementation
Time complexity:
O(nlog(n)), for sortingSpace complexity:
O(n), to store the intervals
fun minTaps(n: Int, ranges: IntArray): Int {
var opened = 0
var lo = -1
var hi = 0
ranges.mapIndexed { i, v -> maxOf(0, i - v) to minOf(i + v, n) }
.filter { it.first != it.second }
.sortedBy { (from, _) -> from }
.onEach { (from, to) ->
if (from <= lo) hi = maxOf(hi, to)
else if (from <= hi) {
lo = hi
hi = to
if (hi == n) return opened
return -1