Covid hysteria, Project MKUltra, shoddy science, and the slippery slope to human rights atrocities
What if Government Science is wrong again?
The Central Intelligence Agency launched Project MKUltra in the aftermath of World War II, embarking upon a decades long clandestine journey into the realm of pseudoscience.
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Now that we have significant hindsight over the Covid hysteria era, it’s worth discussing its incredible parallels to the CIA’s infamous “mind control” program of the post WWII era to the rigor-free quackery the world has faced since 2019.
Although America emerged victorious from World War II, fears of communist subversion quickly enveloped the hearts and minds of the American people and its government. The U.S. had a true rival in the Soviet Union, which possessed the capacity to create parallel systems and technologies. The Soviet Atomic Program was already well underway, and Moscow’s scientists were engaged in breakthrough experimental research across the board.
Upon becoming the first civilian CIA Director, Allen Dulles gave a speech at Princeton in 1953 warning that the Soviets were advancing cutting edge mind control. Yes, Dulles was thoroughly convinced that there was a hard science to brainwashing, and that the communists were about to achieve a devastating advantage on this front.
“In the past few years we have become accustomed to hearing much about the battle for men’s minds–the war of ideologies,” Dulles started. “I wonder, however, whether we clearly perceive the magnitude of the problem, whether we realize how sinister the battle for men’s minds has become in Soviet hands … We might call it, in its new form, ‘brain warfare.’”
Dulles continued:
“The Soviets are now using brain perversion techniques as one of their main weapons in prosecuting the cold war. Some of these techniques are so subtle and co abhorrent to our way of life that we have recoiled from facing up to them.”
It wasn’t that the Soviets were engaging in mere psychological operations, Dulles explained. The new CIA director was convinced that the communists were actively innovating through a *mind control* platform, straight out of a sci-fi flick.
The Princeton speech marked the beginning of Project MKUltra, a decades long, infamous government program that allowed for horrific human rights abuses under the “greater good” of being able to figure out how to turn a man into a compliant robot. MKUltra unsurprisingly suffered from lots of mission creep. It quickly moved from a mind control project to becoming a research arm for the best method to effectively torture detainees and harvest information out of enemies of the state. But instead of developing anything close to a truth serum, intelligence agents committed endless abuses against forced human experiments as if they were nothing more than lab rats.
Of course, there was no breakthrough in being able to achieve mind control, because the U.S. government probably got hoodwinked by its rival. In all likelihood, the CIA was completely duped by their “intelligence” coming from the Soviet Union about mind control. Nonetheless, as good bureaucrats, they justified the mission for decades, despite failure after failure and abuse of authority after abuse of authority.
Which brings us to covid hysteria.
The last three years have been rife with plenty of pseudoscience, extrajudicial human rights atrocities, and forced sacrifice in the name of the “greater good.”
Just like Project MKUltra, the covid narrative began on a shoddy premise, and it continues to this day. The “scientists” who claimed they could prevent the spread of a submicroscopic particle are very similar to the intelligence agents and government chemists who bought the premise of soviet mind control “science.” Whether it was “the measures,” the charts, the studies, and the like, the virologists, epidemiologists, and individuals from similar backgrounds engaged in one form of quackery after another under the guise of authentic, evidence-based science.
Today, much of the world remains torn between two premises: was Covid hysteria an organic global panic or was it deliberately launched via bioweapon with an end objective in mind?
But many are yet to consider the possibility that none of this has been legitimate from the very beginning.
It’s worth recalling that this disease was once categorized as the plague of the century, only to replicate the infection fatality ratio of seasonal influenza.
Recall the philosophical thought experiment: "If a tree falls in a forest and no one is around to hear it, does it make a sound?”
If covid was never “discovered,” would anyone have even realized?
The evidence tells us that minus the panic, it would’ve just been another Flu season. Without “the measures” forced by world governments, societal and economic health would be in a much better place.
The governments and institutions that could provide transparency about these inquiries have decided instead to lie, deceive, and manipulate their populations into accepting false narratives about the true origin story of Covid Hysteria. Remember, this began with a Bat Soup theory proposal from the Chinese Communist Party, and from there, entered infinite avenues of baseless speculation. Name your pet theory for covid origins. Chances are, there’s very little factual evidence to back it up.
What if the global response to covid is just another Project MKUltra, an undertaking that was based on a faulty premise, with no actual scientific grounding from the start?
The hysteria was always far more deadly than covid. The pandemic was a self-perpetuating shit show the likes of which will go down in the annals of history as easily the most catastrophic public health response ever. It’s through the distance that only time can give that we’ll come to understand its true magnitude.
Based on everything we've seen, there is no way I believe "the global response to covid is just another project based on a faulty premise". This is the most thoroughly planned and coordinated crime against humanity I have seen in my lifetime, by far. It is the elites vs the peons. Covid was just the launching pad to start their full scale assault on us. By "their" I mean the elites', by "us" I mean "us peons". The divisiveness, censorship, trillions in "spending", and shoving all kinds of "crises" down our throats is no coincidence.