Fauci quietly begins advising mysterious overseas ‘anti-pandemic’ bio lab
The longtime government bureaucrat links up with infamous Big Pharma heavyweights for new consultant gig.
In news that has somehow remained entirely unreported in the United States, Dr Anthony Fauci seems to have inked his first gig outside of U.S. Government Health, where he is reportedly still taking a salary.
According to several Italian press reports, Fauci has agreed to serve in a consulting capacity to a newly created “anti-pandemic” bio lab, which is being run by a high-level Italian scientist and longtime pharmaceutical executive.
Italy’s ANSA news wire service reports:
“American immunologist Anthony Fauci has agreed to act in an informal capacity as a strategic advisor to Rino Rappuoli, scientific director of the Biotecnopolo biotech hub in Siena, an institution founded by the Ministries of the University, Health, Economy and Industry with the aim of focusing on applied research in biotechnologies and life sciences, the Fondazione Biotecnopolo announced this week.”
The news was also reported by Italy’s L'Eco di Bergamo and others, but there seems to be no reports on the matter outside of the country.
Biotecnopolo, the newfound bio lab that is funded by the Italian government, is self-described as “an anti-pandemic hub with a particular focus on the development and production of vaccines and monoclonal antibodies for the treatment of emerging epidemic-pandemic pathologies.”
Rome has already committed hundreds of millions of Euros to the noticeably below the radar state-backed project.
In a press release, a board member declared that Fauci’s new role will be "a fundamental step towards making the Biotecnopolo the Italian hub for the research, study and prevention of pandemics".
Fauci has not released a statement on the matter. Dr Rappuoli did not reply to a request for comment.
It still remains unclear why Fauci, a lifelong American government bureaucrat, has decided to become a consultant for an entity funded by the Italian government. On several occasions, he has spoken highly about his Italian heritage. In 2020, the Italian government awarded him with the Order of Merit of the Italian Republic.
Italy and the United States share a lot when it comes to the humanitarian catastrophes our governments imposed in the name of a virus. Dr. Fauci, campaigned for coronavirus lockdowns that modeled after Italy’s response. What remained unspoken was that Italy got the idea for its brutal lockdowns from China. Both Fauci and Dr Deborah Birx, his longtime mentee, remained committed to the Italian model for several years, declaring Italy as the gold standard for “the measures.”

Moreover, Fauci’s new “informal” relationship with Dr Rappuoli should raise some eyebrows.
Before becoming the chief scientist for the new bio lab, Dr Rappuoli was the head of vaccine research and development at GSK, the Big Pharma behemoth formerly known as GlaxoSmithKline. He is also the Professor of Vaccines Research at Imperial College, London, the home of the infamous computer model simulations that helped to launch the coronavirus hysteria.
GSK is known for record setting fraudulent activity. In 2012, GSK agreed to pay a $3 billion settlement to the U.S. government, breaking Pfizer’s record for the largest health-care fraud settlement for a drugmaker in U.S. history.
Last year, Fauci spoke at a conference organized by GSK on the “role of vaccines in protecting people and the planet.”
So Fauci has now linked up with Big Pharma heavyweights and he’s an advisor for a clandestine bio lab project being financed by the Italian government. What could possibly go wrong?
One could easily argue that Anthony Fauci has done more harm to this country than any other American in history. An absolute disgrace.
He should be in jail.