What sparked D.C.'s sudden, dramatic anti-China shift?
Rapid narrative and policy transformation seem related to China's commitment to Russia.
On Wednesday evening, the Senate voted unanimously to pass a bill calling on the Biden Administration to declassify “information related to the origins of Covid-19.”

In recent days, select U.S. government agencies have claimed, behind the shadow of classified reports, that they now believe a lab leak is to blame for the Covid-19 outbreak.
It’s fascinating to observe this radical narrative departure from the not so distant past, when these very same people declared that blaming China for Covid was racist, xenophobic, and whatnot.
On top of that, it seems that the new Congress is positioning itself only to investigate the gain of function versus lab leak scenarios, but not the origin of the information operations and very oddly timed coincidences that resulted in full blown Covid hysteria. They’re signaling that people like Fauci, Bill Gates, and Big Pharma are going to be let entirely off the hook, which is quite unfortunate.
Unsurprisingly, this is a signal that Congress is not very serious about the real origin story of Covid, and never will be.
So what’s going on with all the China bashing?
Previously, the Uniparty Standard was to do everything possible not to offend the Chinese Communist Party, and to even engage them as a potential partner on the climate hoax and other power grab campaigns.

Now, suddenly, everyone in D.C. seems to agree that China can do no right.
So what changed? Why take this action now, several years after the first reported outbreak in Wuhan, China?
One possible explanation is China’s behavior concerning the war in Ukraine.
Take into account that the D.C. Uniparty has already “invested” well over $100 billion in taxpayer funds into the Slava Slush Fund. Despite these “investments,” the regime in Kiev continues to find itself on increasing shaky ground, losing battle after battle in the conflict. Ukraine is about to retreat from Bakhmut, once declared a “stronghold” city by Ukraine’s President Zelensky.
When Zelensky went to Congress in December, he presented them with a flag from soldiers he said were fighting in Bakhmut.
"The fight for Bakhmut will change the trajectory of our war for independence & freedom," Zelensky said. Now, the fall of Bakhmut will serve as a massive strategic and moral failure for Kiev.
Making matters exponentially worse for Ukraine is the possibility that China will take a more active role in this conflict.
China is increasingly considering arming Russian forces, and it’s noticeably setting off alarm bells in Washington.
China’s economy is ten times bigger than Russia’s, and counteracting the support coming in from D.C. would serve as a significant boost for an already progressing Russian military campaign.
On Tuesday, Secretary of State Tony Blinken demanded that China take this idea off the table.
“We did very clearly warn China about the implications and consequences of going through with providing such support,” he said. “We will not hesitate, for example, to target Chinese companies or individuals that violate our sanctions, or otherwise engaged in supporting the Russian war effort.”
And earlier Wednesday, the White House press secretary labeled TikTok a “potential national security risk,” opening the door to a ban of the social media platform.
More broadly, the China quarrell is about much more than the D.C. Globalist American Empire’s once-unchecked campaigns concerning Ukraine.
Sensing an imperial power in decline, China is increasingly challenging America’s status as the global hegemon, and they're doing so on multiple fronts. Beijing is also turning up the heat on Taiwan, which is not very committed to its own self-defense.

The CCP seems no longer afraid of the repercussions of upsetting the people in charge here. Over the past few years, they've become much more aggressive on the political, economic, and military fronts. And their statements vis-a-vis Russia may have been the political straw that broke the D.C. camel’s back.
Congress cares about the origin of COVID only to the extent it can be weaponized against the enemy of the moment.
In 2020, that enemy was Trump. Now, it's China.
Analysis has been done on multiple adjacent states in the US as relates to the "viral spread" of the supposed "highly transmissible novel virus." What was noted was that certain states had zero excess in Spring 2020 while a neighboring state had that 6 week spike.
The disparity illustrated without question that there was no viral event. The difference between these states was noted in radically different public health policies and mandates.
Further it is noted that even in these states which had the 6 week spike this excess occurred in tightly circumscribed areas- hospitals and nursing homes located in urban centers. For example there was excess in certain NYC hospitals and nursing homes BUT NOT in suburban NY or beyond. Someone want to explain that? Same story in every single "hotspot."
BEYOND THAT these excess deaths came from people who were mainly residing in institutionalized settings- the fragile elderly and the mentally disabled. The "virus" did not impact middle class or wealthy people. Nothing like this in epidemiological history and counter to all biological science.
BEYOND THAT none of this excess kicked in until the WHO officially declared a global pandemic on March 11, 2020. Anyone here really believe a "suddenly-super-spreading, deadlier-than-flu virus" waited for a government decree to create excess death.
As far as any pandemic there was none whatsoever- the data on this is irrefutable. Those who repeat this lie do a great disservice to everyone by reinforcing this lie. Not only does the "pandemic" narrative serve to cover up the fact that it was mass murder directly attributable to policies mandated by identifiable individuals but it serves as a smokescreen for the entire "Covid" operation that is steamrolling people's lives.
The biggest problem with promoting this lie is that the likes of RFK, Bigtree, Malone, Kirsch, etc. are not just simply wrong but their insistence on using some iteration of the “lab leak” red herring covers up the actual crimes that were committed.
The "lab leak/targeted spraying/GoF" theories do not hold water and cover up what actually happened which was straight forward mass murder in nursing homes and hospitals. This had nothing whatsoever to do with a "viral event" and all to do with administrative slaughter and hospicide. All of the “Covid deaths” are fraudulent and inventions from the Pharma/medical/media cartel. The vast majority are medical murder.
We have not been and are not facing what RFK Jr has termed “a mismanaged pandemic,” a stance supported by most “health freedom” celebrities. What we are dealing with is fraud, tyranny and mass murder.