Is The Federal Government Rigging Maricopa County?
FBI agents openly run Arizona's elections. The voting machines fail and no elected official bothers to investigate. Welcome to the final stages of America's constitutional republic.
The testimony of poll workers in Maricopa County regarding the stolen midterm elections is an important historical record for future generations of Americans.
For example: were America’s voting machines connected to the Internet?
Listen to this man.

The printers didn’t print! The tabulators didn’t tabulate! The machines wouldn’t process the ballots!
How do you have a legal election if all the election equipment stops working on Election Day?

People who know computer systems — like Joe Oltmann — testified that 40% of the voting machines in Maricopa County were inoperable on Election Day.

Reporters from the Real America’s Voice network testified that journalists were barred from entering Maricopa County’s election offices — in case you’re wondering how “transparent” our “democracy” happens to be.
Professor David Clements called out Maricopa County’s officials as totally corrupt and their behavior as criminal.

A woman from Venezuela noted that the same voting machines that were used in her home country were also being used in Arizona — with the same results.

Obviously, this is a lot of eyewitness testimony to the complete failure of voting machines in Arizona.
Maricopa County officials certified its election results anyway, and the FBI agent who suddenly became Arizona’s “Director of Elections” in 2021 — her name is Kori Lorick — had no problem with it either.
Why are FBI agents being hired to supervise state elections? Well, my theory is that FBI agents are being installed as state elections supervisors to “supervise” certain elections when voting machines have to malfunction only in GOP-dominated polling sites.
Do our states actually run our elections — per our Constitution? Don’t be ridiculous. Everywhere you look, you can see federal authorities openly taking over (“supervising” or “monitoring” are their preferred terms for open interference) elections illegally. The Biden regime’s DOJ has no legal authority to “monitor” state elections — but they’re doing it anyway.
Just look at Cochise County — which declined to certify its midterm election results.
Look at the time-stamps carefully: Cochise County declined to certify its election results on November 28th, and Democrats filed a lawsuit against Cochise County on November 28th.
The same day.
With an hour or two.
Almost magically, a lawsuit against Cochise County appeared from a group that nobody has ever heard of — courtesy of Democrat’s chief election interference lawyer Marc Elias! It’s almost like Marc Elias had a lawsuit already prepared — just in case any county in Arizona failed to certify the 2022 election.
Do you see what’s going on?
The articles from corporate media sites pushing the Marc Elias lawsuit were published on November 28th too.
Look at the time-stamp on this Politico article with the Marc Elias quotes already inserted: it was published at 4pm EST on November 28th.
Do you see this highly coordinated activity?
FBI agents are running our state elections, and the DOJ is illegally monitoring those elections too. The Democrat lawsuits are already ready to be filed against county officials who question those results, and the media articles publicizing those Democrat lawsuits are ready to be printed too.
Do you see how they’re rigging our elections yet?
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This is typical from the American Marxists. They want central control of everything to implement their globalist (and Satanic) agenda.
Have seen it clearly since 2020. Unfortunately the Republicans are complicit as they are trying to destroy MAGA. We need a new party. Patriots party: for America and Americans