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On Deck with Haylin Belay
1.6: ...with Jessie Susannah Karnatz, aka the Money Witch

1.6: ...with Jessie Susannah Karnatz, aka the Money Witch

"Not handling your finances is not anti-capitalist work. Not budgeting is not destroying capitalism. Your resistance energy is sacred - use it carefully."

Jessie Susannah Karnatz (she/her), aka the Money Witch, brings capitalism-critical, shame-free education to healers, hustlers, and creatives in order to catalyze change in their financial lives. She believes healing our finances will bring blessing to our lives, our lineages, and our communities. She offers education, Money Magic products, and Intuitive Financial Coaching online and in the Bay Area (unceded Ohlone land) and does it all with impeccable business lady style. Jessie Susannah is the cult leader at Money Coven, an online web of magical beings who are healing their relationship with money, showing up for their financial self care, and becoming powerful stewards to their resources.

Money can be a deeply triggering topic, and the idea of being “financially and spiritually aligned” might sound like an oxymoron. That’s why I was equal parts excited for and nervous about this conversation with the Money Witch, who works specifically to facilitate financial shadow work for her clients and followers. Listen in while we get real about rejecting denial, healing from the financial abuse of capitalism, and experiencing pleasure in the face of seemingly insurmountable struggle. Plus, hear us use the Tarot to “speak” to money directly, answering the impossible question: what does money want?

Tarot reading starts at 37:37.

If you want to hear Jessie Susannah and I talk money, pleasure, sexuality, and Tarot, sign up for her Sexy Summer Self-Care Series here: www.bit.ly/sexysummerseries

Jessie Susannah’s website: www.moneywitch.com
Instagram: @money.witch
Money Coven: https://money-coven.mn.co/
Online Courses: https://money-witch.teachable.com/
YouTube: www.youtube.com/moneywitch
Twitter: @money_witch

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On Deck is a podcast about getting out of your cards and into your real life, hosted by Haylin Belay, pleasure witch. Show art by N.R. Moore. Audio production and theme music by Abject Abundance. To learn more, visit www.ondeck.haylin.co. Use code ONDECK⁠ for 15% off your first 30 minute reading or 60 minute lesson.

Send a one-time donation my way at www.haylin.co/tipjar.

Do you know someone I should feature on the next season of On Deck? Find contact information and submit today at www.ondeck.haylin.co, or leave a comment at www.haylin.substack.com.

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On Deck with Haylin Belay
On Deck is a podcast hosted by Haylin Belay, an intuitive Tarot reader, trauma-informed bodyworker, sexual health educator, and pleasure witch.
Each episode, Haylin interviews a guest who is working to make the world a better place through the arts, education, and/or activism. In lieu of a list of pre-determined questions, these conversations are led by the Tarot deck itself. Guided by the cards, Haylin and her guests explore real-world topics from a holistic mind-body-spirit perspective.
Learn more at www.ondeck.haylin.co.
on deck (informal): available, ready for action