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Oh my God, Americans who support Trump deserve it, if they get him as president again. I live in Germanada under Mein Fuhrer Truduh and covid tyranny is worse here, but I know tons of people with brains to see the truth. I believe in America as an idea, not a landmass. Trump will never apologize for pushing operation warpspeed or acknowledge the vaccines are NOT safe and effective. Since Trump has such widespread support, I can only conclude Americans are stupid, ignorant, and hypnotized by the controllers of the world. He will send America down a predetermined path, set by his elite controllers, to defend "innocent" Israel and bring on WW3 over innocent Israel, that has never done anything wrong, and must be protected from any nation that dares even think so. They are God's chosen people, after all, and must be protected, even at the destruction of the entire world. Good luck America. You're gonna need it.

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You say you’re in Germany? If Americans are stupid then what are you guys. You supported Merkel who destroyed your country with endless immigration. You crashed your own economy to support Zelensky and you’re currently on the process of passing more repressive laws and seizing the land of farmers. You’re also passing laws to make the opposition party illegal.

I suggest you look at your own country and work on saving it. At least we have Trump. Maybe he’s a puppet and maybe he’s not but he’s pushing for America first. Your leaders are pushing for Germany last.

He who is without sin…cast the first stone.

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That shows how closely you read before going on the attack. I said I live in Germanada under Mein Fuhrer Truduh. Read the post again before jumping to conclusions and attacking. If you still can't figure out my real country, I can drive across the border real quick, meet ya fer coffee, and explain how 2 + 2 = 4

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Trump was deceived just like everyone. As President they told him it was safe and it would allow us to get back to ours lives. If YOU were President what would you have done. Btw the vaxx did not come out till after Trump lost the election. He got Covid before there was a vaccine and was cured with therapeutics. Trump would have not mandated the vaxx like Biden did.

I submit to you that’s why big pharma waited till after the election to bring in the vaxx. They would have lost billions with Trump still in office because he would have not forced people to take it like Biden and other Leftist world leaders did everywhere. Keep the facts straight. Don’t let them rewrite history now.

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