
breaking news: Allen Weisselberg sentenced to five months in prison for being a lying fuckface https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/donald-trump/ex-trump-cfo-allen-weisselberg-sentenced-perjury-trump-civil-fraud-tri-rcna147144

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They will pay for this in Roevember.

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Gentlemen, step to the plate and support female human rights. Get loud. Get real. Step outside your comfort zone and assist is erasing all of the mad men and women trying to live in a Handmaiden’s Tale.

Get fucking busy

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Please read Heather Cox Richardson's fascinating column on this 1864 so-called "abortion" law.

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Jeff, I live in AZ.. This ruling is the first step, next up contraceptives, after that Women’s right to vote.. So why should we have any laws after 1864? Like drug laws, crime laws, Black folks voting, only White males owning property can vote.. and on and on. I know let’s revert to a Territory, have our President Biden a governor of the Territory… yeah that’s the ticket🤮 Best to you and fellow travellers… by the way don’t piss off women it will come back to haunt you AZ

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THAT is the painful crux of it. Three out of every four years they'd be furiously wanking - both over their victory and because women won't fuck them - but because this is an election year they have to pretend to oppose something they've spent two generations fighting for.

And why? Male ego. This is all an ego trip. He fucked you. He claimed you. He put his seed in you and that's HIS baby, by Gawd, and you're gonna have it!

Even if he doesn't want to give it time.

Or attention.

Or money.

Or love.

And hope your little heart out for a boy.

Because another little girl means going through what you are right now.

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Fuckoffistan is a crowded little Duchy. Like a Peter Sellers medieval pocket of olden times. Without the wit.

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Isn't it bad enough that we have the republican party trying to pass draconian laws to control every aspect of women's lives. Now Arizona has to abide by an actual draconian law that dates to the Civil War and hoop skirts? This was half a century before women got the right to vote!

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Women have got to get their pink pussy hats on and let it be known that we’re not taking this shit anymore! WTF!! A bunch of desiccated white men, whose power is diminishing by the minute, is continuing to force their crap down our throats. All of this extreme effort to maintain control over women heralds the end of the patriarchy. Enough! No more whiny, weak men telling us what to do. We haven’t been angry enough. It’s 2024 and we are still the largest group of humans on the planet that are being held down by the patriarchy. The majority of men are too stupid to even know anything about female anatomy, pregnancy, birth, etc. These dumbasses with too much power have been ruling our lives forever. Enough!

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Women aren't afraid to fight back anymore and hey, guys, we can and do vote. This hasn't been a personal issue for me for a long time but that doesn't mean for an instant I don't want these rights and more for all women. If it weren't so outrageously infuriating, my first reaction could just be: Good. Go ahead. I like seeing assholes cut their own throats. Whether they like it or not, this is a women's health issue and endangers the lives of women, whether they want to admit that or not. I can barely bear being in the same room with any of these conservatives of today and fortunately I seldom have to. After this is over and Republicans are finally done in their current form, I'm going to marvel at this whole wretched thing. Now go hop on a bus yourself, you jackass looking thing with a 12 year old's bowl haircut. You hop on the bus. Why should we always have to scramble for basic rights.

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The name “Freedom Caucus” brings to mind the immortal words of Kris Kristofferson: “Freedoms just another word for restricting women’s rights to control their own bodies”.

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My lawyer pal in Tucson is working to get at least 500000 signatures on the petition… they had what they needed but want to send a message. I hate these fuckheads. Leave us alone!

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This old 1864 law meant to keep women barefoot, pregnant and under the thumb of the patriarchy. Fast forward 160 years and this zombie raises up from its grave to do as much damage as possible, including eating the brains of 5 Supreme Court justices, Lake and Ducey. The women of Arizona are the weapons that will kill the monster in November.

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I had an ectopic pregnancy when I was 19 in 1961. The pain was excruciating. I wasn’t forced to wait until I was at death’s door before my fallopian tube was removed ‘baby’ and all. My womb and other fallopian tube remained healthy and free of infection. If I had died at 19 to prevent the ‘murder’ of that ‘child’, my children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren could never have been born.

I had an unexplained miscarriage of a wanted baby at 16 weeks in 1976. The police weren’t called and I didn’t face punishment while I was grieving that terrible loss. My next baby died in my womb at eight months gestation. I didn’t want to carry him until he was naturally expelled so I was allowed an induced labor. A year later I gave birth again to a strong, healthy son.

Pregnancies are complicated.

Now - let’s talk about ‘pro life’.

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These dimbulbs were riding the tiger. They broke it they bought it. F 'em. F'em long and hard.

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