"Regular health screenings can help individuals understand their health status and take proactive steps to prevent the development or progression of certain diseases."

- Peter Attia

Are You Ready to Exercise"?

A good start to your training program should include evaluating your readiness to exercise safely. The Participation Readiness Questionnaire should be your first step.

Complete this PoPLab Tool below to evaluate your readiness.

Note: the PoP in PoPLab stands for “process over product”, highlighting the importance of following systematic and more structured training.

Self Assess Here


Are you paying attention to your health risk?

Lowering your risk for CVD (cardiovascular disease) is critical in preventing heart attacks and strokes. Making modifications to your diet and engaging in regular exercise can greatly impact reducing your mortality risk.

Studies have consistently shown strong evidence that increasing your intake of vegetables and fiber, while decreasing saturated fats and processed foods, can be extremely beneficial. The diet most frequently recommended in research is one that is rich in fiber and vegetables, often including more fish, nuts, and olive oil to promote heart health.

Moreover, it's crucial not to overlook the profound impact of exercise on improving your health. Ongoing studies continue to reveal the positive effects that exercise and active lifestyles have on preventing diseases such as heart disease, stroke, metabolic syndrome, and type II diabetes. Additionally, exercise plays a significant role in promoting longevity, particularly functional longevity, and in preventing injuries or long-term disabilities.

Check out these PoPLab notes to drill down on some of the key indicators that you should be paying attention to regarding your risk.

Here is a wonderful summary on what causes Atherosclerosis and Heart disease by The Skeptical Cardiologist. I encourage you to give it a read.

go to Blood Profile Screenings (Biomarkers)