Kids These Days with Kim Lear
Episode 3: Should we bring our whole selves to work?

Episode 3: Should we bring our whole selves to work?

Episode Summary 

Should people bring their whole selves to work? Kim and Steve dig into the roots and lasting impacts of the authenticity movement in the workplace on this episode of Yes & No.

Show Notes

Kim’s Notes

Elsevier Journal: Being authentic in the workplace promotes overall well-being and satisfaction. A meta-analysis of authenticity, well-being, and engagement. 

Academy of Management: Empirical review of research and data relating to studies of authenticity in the workplace. 

FL Law Review: Narrow definitions of “professionalism” are based on white male standards and conforming to these expectations can be damaging for employees of color, women, LGBTQ people, etc. 

Forbes: Lack of cultural openness, adherence to white-dominant norms, and Americanized definitions of “professionalism” prevent many people from showing up authentically at work.

Lindsay Pollack: “People can be professional in many different ways, and it doesn’t have to look like a certain type of person.” New York Times bestselling author and speaker. 

Steve’s Notes

Chawla, N., Gabriel, A. S., Rosen, C. C., Evans, J. B., Koopman, J., Hochwarter, W. A., Palmer, J. C., & Jordan, S. L. (2021). A person‐centered view of impression management, inauthenticity, and employee behavior. Personnel Psychology, 74(4), 657–691.

  • Study examining the consequences, largely negative, of being in a job where people feel they must actively hide their inner feelings and true self.

Jones, K. P., Peddie, C. I., Gilrane, V. L., King, E. B., & Gray, A. L. (2016). Not so subtle: A meta-analytic investigation of the correlates of subtle and overt discrimination. Journal of Management, 42(6), 1588–1613.

  • Review examining the pervasive and negative impact of implicit or subtle discrimination at work.

Ebrahimi, M, Kouchaki, M, & Patrick, VM (2020). Juggling work and home selves: Low identity integration feels less authentic and increases unethicality. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Volume 158,101-111.

  • Study examining the impact, mostly negative of working in jobs that increase people’s feelings of inauthenticity.

Stergiou-Kita, M., Pritlove, C., & Kirsh, B. (2016). The “Big C” — Stigma, cancer, and workplace discrimination. Journal of Cancer Survivorship10(6), 1035–1050.

  • Examination of perceived and implicit biases toward employees who have survived cancer.

Kids These Days with Kim Lear
Kim Lear and Steve Hunt, thought leaders who study the future of work from different perspectives discuss controversial topics reflecting conflicting beliefs about jobs, employees, and organizations. Drawing on stories gained from their work with thousands of companies combined with deep knowledge of social and psychological research, they debate what’s true and what’s fiction when it comes to the changing nature of work, employees and societies.
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Kim Lear