In memory of those who “died suddenly” in Italy, September 25-October 2, 2023
Artist Andrea Dami (“vaxxident”); journos Angelo Meli, Armando Sommajuolo, Valentina Prato; trade unionist Enrico Barberi; architect Andrea Malagnino (33); entrepreneur Riccardo Iovino; & more
Killed in a “vaxxident”:
Pistoia, the illness in the car then the crash: the artist Andrea Dami dead
October 2, 2023
The famous Italian died last Friday 29 September 2023 around 6 pm. He was in the car when an illness struck him and caused him to crash into a wall. The man was in the car with his wife, who is now in hospital in serious condition. Many remembered the famous artist. The crash occurred last Friday on the Lucchese regional road, in the direction of Montecatini. The famous artist from Pistoia had turned 77 just a few days earlier. According to the investigations, Andrea Dami died due to illness. His wife, 74, is also in serious but not life-threatening condition. The woman was sitting in the passenger seat and ended up in hospital with a head injury, she reports Il Tirreno.
No cause of death reported.
Three journalists “died suddenly”:
Journalist Angelo Meli has died
September 29, 2023
The journalist Angelo Meli died suddenly in Palermo. He was 61 years old. Editor of the Giornale di Sicilia, after his first experiences with L'Ora, he mainly dealt with economic issues and had collaborated with various newspapers including Corriere della Sera and the ANSA agency. He had been a regional councilor of the Order of Journalists and had long since undertaken a path that combined professional work with a strong civil commitment: he was a member of the Pio La Torre study center for which he edited the ASud'Europa magazine which he had contributed to founding with Vito Lo Monaco. The last issue of the newspaper is dedicated to the "Repudiation of the mafias."
No cause of death reported.
Journalist Armando Sommajuolo, presenter of the La7 news program, has died
September 28, 2023
Mourning in the world of journalism. The historic journalist and presenter of Tg La7, Armando Sommajuolo, died on Thursday 28 September. He was 70 years old. The confirmation came from the director of the newspaper, Enrico Mentana, who defined him as a "column of this news programme", but above all "a beloved work companion, a solid, positive, professional professional, and above all a respectable man".
No cause of death reported.
Cassino, the journalist and speaker Valentina Prato has died
September 26, 2023
The journalist and radio speaker Valentina Prato passed away during the night in the intensive care unit of the 'Santa Scolastica' in Cassino. Professional journalist, 51 years old, she had been fighting for her life for 20 days after she had suffered a very serious illness. The care provided by the doctors in the department was useless: death occurred in the early hours of dawn today. Valentina Prato, originally from the province of Varese, had lived in Cassino for many years now and here she had worked for authoritative newspapers such as La Provincia newspaper, RTL, ADNKronos, the newspaper L'Inchiesta and Radio Cassino stereo. She was currently in charge of organizing singing events and music competitions.
No cause of death reported.
A trade unionist “died suddenly”:
CGIL in mourning, trade unionist Enrico Barberi has died on vacation in Croatia
September 27, 2023
The Tarcentino trade unionist Enrico Barberi, well known in the province of Udine for his very long militancy in the CGIL, for 35 years in the Civil Service, then in the ranks of the pensioners of the Spi, of which he had headed the secretariat for almost three years, has suddenly passed away. Passionate about the sea and diving, Barberi was struck by a sudden heart attack while on holiday in Croatia with his wife, Franca Fiascaris. He was 72 years old and for two years, despite remaining a member of the CGIL and a member of the Spi Alto Friuli league board, he had decided to renounce any managerial and organizational role.
An architect “died suddenly”:
Young architect from Salento died suddenly in Switzerland
September 27, 2023
It all happened a few days ago in Zurich, where the architect Andrea Malagnino, a 33-year-old from Ugento, had been for some time for work-related reasons. According to an initial reconstruction of the dynamics, the young man was in a restaurant in the Swiss city when, due to a sudden illness, he collapsed to the floor in the bathroom. All attempts to rescue him proved in vain. The local authorities carried out all the necessary medical-legal investigations, establishing that the death occurred due to sudden cardiac arrest. The news immediately reached Ugento, where the young man and his family are known and respected.
An entrepreneur “died suddenly”:
Riccardo Iovino, founder of Ediliziacrobatica, has died at 58
September 26, 2023
Riccardo Iovino, founder and CEO of Ediliziacrobatica, has died. Iovino, as communicated by the company in a note, died following a sudden illness on Monday 25 September. Iovino was a farsighted entrepreneur, capable almost 30 years ago of realizing the potential of a technique which, borrowed from the world of sailing and mountaineering, could be effectively applied to the world of construction: the double safety rope. He led the company to a double listing on the financial markets, to be spread not only in Italy, but also in France, Spain, the Principality of Monaco, the United Arab Emirates, Saudi Arabia and Nepal, permanently employing over 2,200 people.
No cause of death reported.
Sudden illness kills girl. She was only seven years old
October 2, 2023
Seven years, a life made of dreams and smiles. But also of worries, for a heart problem from the past. Seven years, very few to leave mum and dad. The Udine Est neighborhood mourns the passing of little Amalia Giannina Tonutti, who died in hospital in the capital on Friday afternoon due to an illness that had struck her two days earlier. A subtle illness in hers tore her away from the life and love of her parents and her little brother.
No cause of death reported.
Ilaria Lattanzi dies after her wedding at the Hospice: "She had incredible courage"
September 25, 2023
The smile of Ilaria Lattanzi, who died at just 31 years old following an illness, has faded forever: a few days ago, she got married at the Hospice to her beloved Pierpaolo. Her passing leaves a very deep void in all those who knew, respected and loved her. Ilaria had been working in the Vista Plus optical shop in Corso Cairoli for seven years.
No cause of death reported.
Shock in progress Serrovira, 35-year-old seafarer found body at home: investigation is underway
September 30, 2023
Tragedy taking place Serrovira in Licata, where a young 35-year-old seafarer was found dead at home late yesterday morning, Friday 29 September. According to an initial reconstruction, it was the neighbors who raised the alarm, worried about not having seen the 35-year-old leave the house. The police, firefighters and 118 operators arrived on site.
Upon entering the house, the rescuers found the body of the seafarer - originally from Marsala - on the ground. Unfortunately, every attempt at resuscitation proved in vain. The most accepted hypothesis is that the 35-year-old's life was cut short by a sudden and fatal illness, but other possibilities cannot be ruled out. The Agrigento Prosecutor's Office has opened a file on the matter.
No cause of death reported.
Two educators “died suddenly”:
Salerno mourns Fulvio Maffia, director of the "Martucci" Conservatory
October 1, 2023
Pain and bewilderment, in Salerno, for the sudden death of Maestro Fulvio Maffia, director of the “Giuseppe Martucci” State Conservatory. He died, apparently due to a sudden illness, last night. The news is currently making the rounds around the city, causing immense pain to those who knew him.
No age or cause of death reported.
Goodbye to Silvana Botto, she was school director in Fossano
September 30, 2023
In the late afternoon of Friday 29 September, Silvana Botto suddenly died at the Verduno hospital where she had been taken following a sudden illness. She came to our city after having been a mathematics teacher for 25 years, in various middle schools between Bra, Dogliani and Monforte. Then, for another five years, she was a full-time deputy assistant in the media in Dogliani and for another two years she was a school director in charge of the Villanova Mondovì comprehensive institute. After three years as Principal in Fossano, she headed the comprehensive institute of Diano d'Alba, then those of Dogliani and Carrù before retirement. Once her professional commitments at school were over, she remained very active in the cultural life of Monforte both within the board of the Martina Museum and as vice-president of the Monfortearte Association, organizer of the famous Monfort in Jazz. In 2015 you were also elected president of the Carrù Dogliani Lions Club. She leaves behind her sons Davide and Costanzo.
No age or cause of death reported.
A policeman “died suddenly”:
Carabiniere died while going mushroom picking: he was the father of two boys
September 28, 2023
Originally from Bologna but serving in Lombardy for a long time, currently stationed in the barracks in Mantua for the Carabinieri Company of the capital, Massimiliano Sacchetti died on Wednesday morning, at just 54 years of age, while he was picking mushrooms in the woods of Cavalese, in Trentino. Struck by an illness, unfortunately there was nothing that could be done for him: only shortly before he had sent photos of the mushrooms collected to some friends. It seems that some passing hikers raised the alarm: but when help arrived Massimiliano Sacchetti was already dead. An esteemed and appreciated soldier, he lived in Roverbella - in the Mantua area - together with his wife and his two young children, of whom he was proud: a 10-year-old boy and a 19-year-old girl.
No cause of death reported.
A priest “died suddenly”:
Don Danilo Priori, priest from L'Aquila found dead at the age of 53 in a hotel room in Sicily: he was on holiday
September 28, 2023
Don Danilo Priori, a well-known priest of the Archdiocese of L'Aquila, was found lifeless during his holidays in Isola delle Femmine, in Sicily. The priest, 53 years old, was in retirement and was spending a few days relaxing in the picturesque Sicilian town when the tragedy occurred. Don Danilo's body was discovered inside the hotel where he was staying, triggering the launch of an investigation by the local police. Before the body inspection by the medical examiner, investigations were carried out to try to understand the circumstances of his death. At the moment, a veil of mystery looms over the matter, and for this reason an autopsy has been ordered to reveal further details about the tragedy.
Fiume Veneto mourns the passing of Freddy Gregoris, former city councilor
September 30, 2023
Freddy Gregoris, former municipal councilor of Fiume Veneto and well known in the town, died at the age of 61 due to a sudden illness. He leaves behind his wife Letizia, his three children, and his brother Igor, who manages the Fratelli Gregoris hardware store. His unexpected disappearance deeply shocked the local community. The tragedy occurred suddenly on the evening of Thursday 28 September. After returning home from an evening spent with his friends, Freddy sat on the sofa watching TV. His wife, noticing that he had not gone to bed, got up to check and found him lifeless.
No cause of death reported.
Five “died suddenly” while out and about:
Claudio Goldin, 65, dies in the bathroom of a restaurant
October 2, 2023
A sudden illness took the life of Claudio Goldin, 65 years old from Teolo, a great cycling enthusiast yesterday morning, October 1st. The tragedy occurred in the bathrooms of the "Baldin" bar in Praglia, not far from where the cyclist lived. As soon as he entered the restaurant, the 65-year-old asked the bartender for a coffee and to use the bathroom. After a few minutes, the managers of the place, not seeing him return, had the feeling that something serious had happened. When they tried to open the toilet door, those present found Claudio Goldin lying unconscious on the ground. The Suem 118 health workers were immediately alerted, but when the man was rescued a few minutes after the call, he was already dead. Those who intervened could not help but confirm that he had died. The police arrived at the bar where the death occurred. The body, after having been alerted to the public prosecutor on duty, was transferred to the Institute of Forensic Medicine at the disposal of the judicial authority. Mystery as to the causes that led to his death. People who knew the victim report that he had never suffered from any particular pathologies.
Illness after lunch at the chalet, Renzo Malaspina collapses and dies in the car park
October 2, 2023
The day of sunshine and people at the seaside, with the beach and the promenade full of people until late afternoon, was unfortunately marred by a drama. A 72-year-old man resident in the city, Renzo Malaspina (the victim lived in via Monte Vettore, above the post office in the centre), who had gone to lunch in a chalet on the seafront, was struck by a fatal illness while he was returning towards car that had parked in the area next to the former Orfeo Serafini sports field.
No cause of death reported.
Tragedy in Turin Mirafiori: man found dead along the pavement, fatal illness
September 28, 2023
A 70-year-old man was found dead on the sidewalk. The timely intervention by the 118 healthcare personnel was of no avail, as they could do nothing but confirm his death. It was, as later ascertained by the medical examiner of the ASL City of Turin, an illness. The Carabinieri of Turin Mirafiori intervened on site for the usual investigations.
No cause of death reported.
He suddenly collapses while walking, 57-year-old dies in front of a school
September 27, 2023
Around 9 am today, he suddenly collapses while walking together with other people in via Giacinto d'Oria, near the "Giovanni Calò" technical-economic-commercial institute – Oria branch office: unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done for the man, guest of a local community. The first aid attempt by Fabio Coluccia, a professional rescuer from Sanitaservice-118, proved in vain and - despite being free from duty - immediately asked for and used the defibrillator supplied to the school. Not even his 118 colleagues on duty were able to recover from an overly complicated situation: natural and sudden death, probably due to a heart attack. Local police and La Vedetta security were also on site.
Andria – 67-year-old woman collapses and dies in the street
September 26, 2023
A 67-year-old woman died this evening at around 7 pm while she was walking along Via Boito in Andria. A sudden illness cut short the woman's life. Rescue attempts by passers-by were useless. 118 also arrived on site. All attempts to resuscitate the woman were in vain. The local police also intervened on site.
No cause of death reported.
Mussomeli – 49-year-old dies suddenly
October 1, 2023
Yet another death, sudden and premature, struck the Mussomeli community yesterday, depriving it of a noble citizen. The tragedy struck the Valenza family, unexpectedly, while each of the family members was enjoying that moment of leisure typical of a Saturday afternoon. Salvuccio Valenza, aged just 49, lost his life due to a sudden illness. The man, a jovial person and tireless worker, was in the province of Rieti for work. The emergency services alerted by colleagues were of no avail. The family loses its point of reference, a father and a husband who made the family their priority, so much so that he did not hesitate to accept a job, even if it took him away from the comforts of home. He leaves behind his wife Corina and his sons Paolo and Vincenzo.
Pesaro, fatal illness in the swimming pool: a 59-year-old dies
September 30, 2023
Fatal illness in the swimming pool, 59-year-old dies. The incident occurred in the swimming pool of the Peace Park in Pesaro. The man, a banker originally from Naples, resident in Tavullia, was swimming in the structure in via Redipuglia when he was struck by a sudden illness. The 118 health workers intervened on site, but there was nothing that could be done for the 59-year-old. The police were also on site for the usual investigations. The man leaves behind a wife and two children.
No cause of death reported.
A restauranteur “died suddenly”:
Mourning in the restaurant industry, sudden illness: Giuliano Giuliani, owner of Le Mirage
September 29, 2023
Mourning in the world of catering in the Marche region. A sudden illness caused the death of Giuliano Giuliani, 77 years old, restaurateur and owner of Le Mirage in Senigallia. For several years he had previously managed the restaurant at the Ippodromo Martini in Corridonia. A true restaurant institution, Giuliano Giuliani leaves behind his wife Maria Teresa and his daughters Claudia and Genny. Saturday, at 9 am, the funeral at the Portone church.
No cause of death reported.
Two “died suddenly” at work:
Fatal illness on construction site, 60-year-old dies in Raiano
September 29, 2023
He apparently collapsed suddenly, in front of his colleagues, probably due to a sudden illness: the victim of the incident is a 60-year-old from Pratola Peligna (L'Aquila), Massimo Ferrara, who died this morning on a building site in viale Mazzini at number 46, located in the municipal area of Raiano. It is a house where renovation work was taking place. The death, according to the first diagnosis, would have been due to a sudden heart attack that would have left the worker with no escape: a tragic fatality that shocked his colleagues. The 118 ambulance intervened on site to confirm the death. The deputy public prosecutor of Sulmona, Edoardo Mariotti, has ordered the cadaveric reconnaissance which will be carried out by the doctor available at the local health authority as well as all the precautionary checks on the construction site and on the documentation to dispel any doubts.
Matteo Tasca died of an illness at the age of 35 while working on a roof: Bottanuco mourns his advisor
September 26, 2023
The community of Bottanuco mourns Matteo Tasca, just 35 years old, who died of an illness while working with his father on the roof of a house in Tavernola Bergamasca. Tasca was very well known in the village: he was a municipal councilor for the Open Municipality civic list, as well as a craftsman. He leaves behind his wife Giada and his parents. The drama took place this morning, September 27, on the roof of a house in Tavernola where Tasca, a tinsmith, was at work with his father. Then suddenly the fatal illness, the intervention of the rescuers was useless.
No cause of death reported.
Federico Monaldi dies suddenly, he was the owner of the shop in via Mazzini
September 28, 2023
For everyone he was the "Cobra". Federico Monaldi, owner of the shop in via Mazzini, neighborhood manager of Porta Crucifera and amaranth fan, died suddenly at just 45 years of age. On more than one occasion he had been a red-green figure during the Giostra, the last one, that of 3 September, had given him the joy of victory, the golden lance dedicated to the centenary of Arezzo. His other great passion. Many people who loved him and who will meet today to greet him at 10.30 in the Duomo.
No cause of death reported.
Three “died suddenly” at home:
Imola - Sudden illness, man dies at 57 years old
September 28, 2023
He fell ill while he was on the terrace of his home in Marina di Grosseto and, unfortunately, help was of no avail: the man died despite the resuscitation attempts made by the healthcare personnel who arrived with "Pegaso" and an ambulance. of the Red Cross of Castiglione. Raffaele Monni, 57 years old, was struck down by a sudden illness yesterday afternoon. A condominium administrator by profession, with a past on the board of the Marina Proloco, he was supposed to get married in less than a month.
No cause of death reported.
Sudden cardiac crisis: Nino D'Annunzio dies at the age of 67
September 28, 2023
Nino D'Annunzio, an entrepreneur originally from Montesilvano, a former public administrator, a historic exponent of the Abruzzo Socialist Party and a well-known figure in Pescara and the entire metropolitan area, died suddenly during the night due to a heart attack that left him with no escape. He was 67 years old. His elderly mother's carer found him lifeless yesterday morning.
No cause of death reported.
Maurizio Marengo died at the age of 63: he had retired for a few days
September 28, 2023
He had celebrated his retirement a few days ago, at the age of 63, after a working life as a school assistant: he suddenly passed away in his home in Riva Trigoso Maurizio Marengo.
The man had been the historic "janitor" of Riva's primary schools for many years, loved for his availability and his always open and jovial character. Yesterday he suddenly fell ill in his home in Renà: the rescuers tried for half an hour to resuscitate him but without success. Marengo leaves his sister Mirella with Gino and relatives.
No cause of death reported.
Two killed in “vaxxidents”:
Ferrara - He falls ill while driving, then ends up against a pole: the hunter dies
October 2, 2023
It was supposed to be a relaxing day in the Ferrara hills to cultivate the passion of a lifetime: hunting. A sixty-year-old from Padua never returned home. The car skids and ends up against a pole and some bins. But what seems like a simple accident turns out to be a tragedy. In fact, Franco Giusto, a 60-year-old hunter from Padua, was driving the vehicle and had just fallen ill, which later proved fatal. The Fiat Tipo, in which a friend was also travelling, hit a road sign and then a light pole, ending up a few centimeters from some bins. For the man behind the wheel, as mentioned, there was nothing that could be done; the passenger, however, escaped unharmed. According to what we learn, it was the friend who called for help. The 118 health workers then arrived on site, but they could only confirm the death of the 60-year-old from Veneto.
No cause of death reported.
Accident in Noventa Vicentina: a man driving dead, a young mother injured
September 30, 2023
He falls ill while driving, dies and runs over a couple who were pushing a pram with their child. The young mother is hospitalized in serious condition. It happened this morning in Noventa Vicentina, in the province of Vicenza. A Nissan Micra suddenly pounced on the trio, who were in a small clearing, driven by an 81-year-old local man, who died, perhaps due to a sudden illness.
“Died suddenly” while hiking:
Treviso - Illness during an excursion a former 'Bolognese' carabiniere dies
October 2, 2023
A 60-year-old former carabiniere died after falling ill along a path in the Grappa mountains, in the province of Treviso. Trevisotoday reports on this, specifying that a sudden heart attack killed Ernesto Verde, a former carabiniere who had retired for some time and had some heart problems. The tragedy materialized late in the morning today, October 2nd. The first to help the man were his friends, including a doctor and a nurse who were part of the group. Some soldiers from the nearby barracks were also alerted. The resuscitation procedures, which began immediately, also continued with the help of the Suem of Crespano: unfortunately every attempt proved to be in vain. Once the death was confirmed, the body was transported to the Cima Grappa memorial site, where the Carabinieri from the Pieve del Grappa station intervened, for transfer to the morgue in Castelfranco Veneto.
This week's accident in Mestre, ( near Venice), Italy, where the bus came off a flyover, has been horrific. I read a testimony on Telegram, from someone who knew the bus driver well. He was a very experienced driver.
He was "Alberto Rizzotto aged 40", (I want to give his name out of respect for him and his family) , this person commented that Alberto only got the 3 shots, because he was forced, in order to keep his job and he had family to support. He had given up smoking and was very afraid. He often said "never thought I'd end up like this, I hope nothing happens to me "
But of course the media are trying to find any excuse as usual. Some people here in Italy are calling out for action, they want checks done on all people who have jobs that involve transporting the public etc. 😟😟