Life is Like a Basketful of Pandas
Alternately roly-poly and bitey with moments of awkwardness
It’s panda-monium! Today’s hed gif comes from PandaPaloozaHaven, which compiles all kinds of panda videos. Those cubs sure look to be enjoying themselves. It’s black and white and cute all over!
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By Martini Glambassador · Launched 2 years ago
Come and check out what's going on in my little corner of the French countryside, stay for the silliness. And all the info about your rad Tab gifs from!
Pandas are adorable when small and large but do you ever wonder what they evolved for? What is their purpose in an ecological sense? Though large, they are not predators and too large to be prey. I think too much. I should just revel in the squee. Thanks Martini.
Speaking of pandas, I've been watching an anime from this season just ended called "Mr. Villain's Day Off", about the Evil General of an planetary invasion force who spends his days off avoiding anything work-related and spending a *lot* of time watching pandas, which he is obsessed with. It's a sentai show universe (think "Power Rangers") and of course he keeps running into the heroes in their civvies and having to convince them that there will be no fighting this day. Sure, his goal is to wipe out humanity so that his race can take over the Earth, but if "Resident Alien" can make that same character fun, why can't these guys as well? :-D It's pretty cute.