We should be able to win it. The problem is: We can't.
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This Sunday, September 29th, 2024, the overgrown, overbearing, oppressive U.S. Federal government is expiring. Almost the whole monstrous thing will die — its life-blood cut off — if the battle to save it isn't won.
Unfortunately for America, that battle will be won, by the politicians and government regulators. But if, instead we, the American people, could win, a second American Revolution would be won. Here's how it works.
(If you already know all about how we could win a second American Revolution this Sunday, you might want to jump to “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
"In a letter to colleagues, Johnson, R-La., said the, 'legislation will be a very narrow, bare-bones CR [Continuing Resolution] including only the extensions that are absolutely necessary.'"
In other words, funding for most of the US federal government will end Sunday. Only the necessary parts of the government will get money. And without money, the excess, unnecessary part eventually evaporate. Probably, quite quickly, without funding to spend.
But wait a second. Isn't that exactly the federal government we're supposed to have, under the Constitution? The US government that does only the necessary things and gives us, the people, and the states, the rights to do the rest of the things? To live our lives without the US federal government controlling us.
That was how the Federalists sold the idea of the Constitution to the American public in 1788. The government was supposed to do two jobs, and only two, jobs:
1. The minimum necessary for a national government to do.
2. Protect the people from the government doing anything more than that. I.e. ensure the rights of individual Americans in relation to the federal government.
We know what happened instead. And this Sunday, the US House of Representatives has the power to correct that. To erase 235 years of U.S. Federal government control-creep. To let the bad, unconstitutional parts of the federal government die.
Government Control-Creep
In those 235 years since the ratification of the Constitution, the U.S. Federal government regulators gradually seized more and more power to do more and more things that they weren't supposed to do. And they left us, the people, with less and less rights.
H.L. Mencken put it this way in 1926, quote: “Government has now gone far beyond anything ever dreamed of in Jefferson's day. It has taken on a vast mass of new duties and responsibilities; it has spread out its powers until they penetrate every act of the citizen, however secret; it has begun to throw around its operations with the high dignity and impeccability of a state religion; its agents become a separate and superior caste.”
And, as you know, things have only gotten worse since then. From FDR to Obama/Biden/Harris, the control creeps have steadily gotten more and more power over us.
The Second American Revolution: How it would work:
1. The U.S. House of Representatives, and only the U.S. House of Representatives, has the power to fund the federal government. The House’s "power of the purse," means it controls the allocation of all federal funds, by approving spending bills and budgets.
2. Republicans control the House of Representatives.
3. So the Republicans in the House of Representatives make the Continuing Resolution (CR) permanent. The unnecessary parts of the US government, — the ones wherein the politicians and deep state ‘penetrate every act of the citizen’ — will never be funded again. The US government doing all those things that it was never supposed to do would end. This Sunday.
Why We Can't Win This American Revolution…
Because the Republicans in Congress are RINOs. They are the less-left wing of the leftist UniParty. The “Republicans” are politicians, who want an intrusive gigantic federal government with gigantic control, almost as much as the Democrats do. More government gives politicians more wealth and more power. And the Republicans figured this out. Long ago.
So what are we the people going to do about that? True, we can't win the revolution this time. But the opportunity will come again. As we all know, the failure of the federal government to agree on how to fund itself is a recurring event. No other institution in the US fails so consistently and regularly as the federal government.
Conclusion: Why This is Important!
It’s not really impossible to defund the excessive, oppressive, unnecessary, and unconstitutional part of the federal government.
It's just that we haven't done it.
Okay, so maybe wiping out 235 years of odious, destructive government overreach in one day is too much to hope for. But new opportunities to cut the feds down to size will come along, especially if we create those opportunities. And we can.
Next time, we need to be ready. And to be ready we, the right, need to change some things. We've been losing to the leftists for too long. We need to turn that around and start to win. And we could. There are ways to do it. Anti-leftism is good, but it won't be enough. We need pro-rightism.
We all think we know how freedom works, but maybe we don't know as much as we think we do. Leftists have succeeded in erasing much of the truth about freedom from the American mind. We will need to know and embrace the truth of the freedom system, and how it really works. To someday soon see a new sun of freedom rise over America, we first need a new vision of freedom.
It will implode and it is a matter of time and the real USA can rise up from the ashes.
As the Anti-Federalists warned us, the central government would grow too large, corrupt and out of control. Until we change the system, nothing will ever change.