How Dems Steal the 2024 Election. It worked for them before. Everyone is wondering how the Democrats will be able to steal the presidential election again in 2024, especially since that theft is looking harder to achieve.
Because for one thing, the Dems' attempt to use lawfare to keep Trump off the ballot looks less likely to succeed as SCOTUS voted no on it. And the polls show that, one, Trump with a growing lead over Biden. Two, minorities beginning to swing to Trump. So how might the Dems do the steal?
The Never Trump Wall Street Journal is worrying out loud that Trump's attempts to avoid the steal will actually cause another Dems steal, but not the same way that they stole it in 2020. No, the Democrats may do another turnout steal like the one they did back in 1948.

How Dems Steal the 2024 Election

It worked for them before.

Everyone is wondering how the Democrats will be able to steal the presidential election again in 2024. Especially since that theft is looking harder to achieve:

- the Dems’ attempt to use lawfare to keep Trump off the ballot looks less likely to succeed as SCOTUS voted no on it

- the polls show

   1. Trump with a growing lead over Biden

   2. minorities beginning to swing to Trump.

How might the Dems do the steal? The never-Trump Wall Street Journal is worrying out loud that Trump’s attempts to avoid the steal will actually cause another Dem steal. But not the same way that they stole it in 2020. No, the Democrats may do another Turnout Steal, like the one they did back in 1948.

Trump is promoting the slogan “TOO BIG TOO RIG”, the idea being that if his margin of victory is big enough, even the Democrats’ powerful and ever-improving vote stealing techniques will not be able to steal enough votes. “We want a landslide,” Trump said at a rally. “We have to win so that it’s too big to rig.”

But the RINOs (including those at the WSJ, who still refuse to admit that the 2020 election was stolen) are saying that Trump’s rhetoric will backfire and, as the WSJ puts it, “…muddle the [Republican] party’s get-out-the-vote effort.” That, the RINOs say, could give the Dems the win.

The Democrat Turnout Steal of ‘48

One of the most iconic images from politics in the 20th century was the photo of the grinning Dem moron Harry Truman celebrating the election steal of 1948. He’s holding a newspaper with the headline, "Dewey Defeats Truman" after Truman won the 1948 presidential election. Truman, the widely disliked heir to FDR, was down in the polls and expected to lose the election, and newspapers were printed with an erroneous headline announcing victory for his opponent, Thomas Dewey. But was it a mistake, or intentional?

That fake news gave the Democrat Truman the win because voters in the west, where the polls were still open, saw the news of Truman’s victory and thought the election was decided. Truman’s support was mostly in the big cities on the East coast; the Republican Dewey’s was mostly in the West and the small towns and cities of the Midwest. So cutting the turnout in the West cost Dewey the election. Because swings of less than one percent of the popular vote just in Ohio, Illinois, and California alone (CA was Republican back then) would have given Dewey the win he actually deserved.

Since 1948, the TV networks have tried to pull the stunt again, by announcing during elections that Democrats had won when they really had not. But it never worked as well again as it did back in ’48. But who knows, maybe ’24 could be the year the Dems pull off the Turnout Steal again.

Or maybe the WSJ’s claims that Trump is hurting the right are just more RINO fake news. The Never-Trump + Dem UniParty coalition will probably have to find another way to thwart the will of the American people, again.

Discussion about this video

I'm not the only one who thinks that *everyone* wants Trump back at the helm - including the Dems and the supposedly Deep State - like in, let him deal with the sinking ship. The legal cases against him are so obviously weak and the fear mongering is so blatantly inane that it has to be just for show - plus the guy gets a lot of free advertising.

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Good points. A lot of the revenue of MSNBC and WaPo has to come from Trump bashing and 'fascist'-fear mongering. Four more years of that would be a lot of money for them.

My own suspicion, that no one shares, is that Biden will back out sometime before the convention and the Dems will nominate RFK Jr. I know it sounds crazy, but it's what I would do if I were them (providing that they really do want to beat Trump).

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Yup, Trump bashing is pure entertainment - a division of the military industrial complex, to quote one Frank Zappa. Someone rightfully pointed out that his politics were typically centrist - nothing to write home about.

As per your suspicion, it does sound crazy but who knows? I've heard and read a lot of things about RFK Jr. and I'm still not sure where he fits in all this, except as a wildcard. His exposure of the clot shots could alienate those Dem voters who will never figure it out. Whoever the "winner" turns out to be, the job will be to sell the system as redeemable, as in, let's put the last four years behind us, nothing to see, no questions asked.

And, if it even matters, the guy in the White House is definitely not Joseph Biden...

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"His exposure of the clot shots could alienate those Dem voters who will never figure it out."

Not going to be a problem for the left. As you say, it will be time to put it all "behind us". The magic of the Kennedy name on presidential ticket would erase all little disagreements of the past. A new start. A new Camelot.

OTOH if they don't do something, it looks like Biden is going to lose. And the TDS industry aside, I don't think they want that. We'll see I guess.

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Yes, we will, hopefully.

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In a new development, I believe that RFK Jr's VP pick has ruined any chance for him to sway Trump voters, meaning he's out of the race.

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Yes, she seems acceptable to Democrats. If Biden bows and RFK is the Dem nominee and he sticks with her as a VP that works.

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Lots of ifs. Even if RFK Jr would reap in all the Dem votes, which I doubt very much, that wouldn't be enough to beat Trump. And anyway, how would that be good news? I mean the woman is hell-bent on climate change, carbon sequestration and other assorted nonsense. If you ask me, she's a ghoul.

First firing Kucinich for a CIA asset, now this? The man is controlled or something.

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"Even if RFK Jr would reap in all the Dem votes, which I doubt very much, that wouldn't be enough to beat Trump."

I think it probably would. A lot of Dems will sit out 2024 because they don't like Biden and think he's too old. They would be energized by a Kennedy for president.

Climate change and assorted nonsense is magic to the ears of Dems, right?

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This is why CNN did an interview with Trump post J6. They tried the silent treatment after 2021 but then they lost revenue. They had to give him airtime in order to stay afloat financially. They don't want to do it, but they have to or else they run out of money.

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I have also heard a theory that the reason why the deficit is so large is because the establishment is trying to keep many institutions that are not naturally profitable afloat. Many universities, NGOs, and other institutions do not have enough money to stay open without getting paid either directly or indirectly by the federal government. Without the federal spending, they would collapse. This is why our national debt is 30 trillion and we have crippling inflation.

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Dewey's was no saint. He was a swamp creature supported by the FBI. That said, Truman was no angel either, being the continuer of FDR's socialist policies (including using the Korean war as an excuse to "nationalize" our steel industry; which the US Supreme Court thankfully ruled was unconstitutional).

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