Is something wrong? Why do you have to pay to fix it?
It seems like if something is wrong, anywhere in the world, the U.S. government must fix it, and you must pay for it.
Obviously, there are problems with the idea that the government has to fix so many things by intervening so much, and that you have to pay for it. But perhaps the worst thing is that when the U.S. government regulators set out to “fix” something, they not only almost always fail to fix it, they often make it worse. And then they tell you that now the only way to fix it is for the government to do more, and so you have to pay more. And there is no end in sight. Ever. It all just gets more expensive.
(If you already know why you have to pay to fix everything, then you might want to jump to “Conclusion: Why This is Important!”)
Can the government fix dyslexic homelessness? Yes! They say. And the cost is no object!!! And you will pay for it.
How much have we paid for peace in the Middle East, my fellow American? Peace in the Middle East is phenomenally expensive, as we all know.
But is there peace in the Middle East? When will government regulators stop wasting American lives and $billions there? You know the answer. Never. No matter how much it costs us, the U.S. government will never stop.
When will the U.S. government win the war on terror? When will the U.S. government win the war on poverty? When will the U.S. government win the war on drugs? The U.S. government will never win those or any of its other wars, because even if it could, it doesn’t want to. By waging those wars — by creating more wars and an endless succession of “crises” and “emergencies” — the people in the U.S. government — the Uniparty politicians and the unaccountable leftist deep state bureaucrats — get more power and wealth for themselves. When they transfer your money to the Middle East and to all the other wars and “fixes” they somehow siphon off enough of it to make themselves immensely wealthy (as we show in the Substack “What’s so funny, Obama? Global Warming?”
They get more of your money and more control over you. Which is what they really want most of all. Control. They are not “public servants”. You are their servant.
When government fails, the fix is always more government.
And more government costs more.
In the 1940s FDR announced overreaching government New Deal programs to guarantee:
Freedom of speech and expression
Freedom of worship
Freedom from want
Freedom from fear
But in spite of spending vast amounts of our money and gradually taking away more and more of our freedom, in the 1960s there was still so much ‘want’ that leftist LBJ had to declare the ‘war on poverty’.
In spite of spending $trillions on defense and security, by the 2000s there was still so much ‘fear’ left that RINO G.W. Bush had to declare war on terror.
And by 2020, the government that had promised us freedom of expression and worship was censoring the truth about Covid and blocking people from attending church.
That was “progress”? What Progressives really deliver is progressively more government and less freedom.
Examine any major Western obsession and the same pattern emerges:
1). Throw trillions at carbon reduction in Western countries. Hope that it reduces poorly defined notions of human-induced global warming. If it doesn’t, at least we tried.
2). Throw billions at sending weapons to Ukraine. Hope that Russian forces withdraw from eastern territories. If Russian forces do not withdraw and the war goes on indefinitely, “at least we tried.”
3). Throw hundreds of billions at mRNA vaccine development for illnesses that may not be realistic candidates for being controlled by vaccines. If the vaccines fail to prevent infection from these pathogens, “at least we tried” to control them with new vaccines.
4). Throw hundreds of billions at the black, urban underclass and hope that it improves the social problems that have afflicted this cohort of society since Johnson’s Great Society project. If it doesn’t, “at least we’ve tried” for the last sixty years.
5). Tell millions of young adolescents that if they feel confused about their identity and sexuality—a malaise that has affected adolescents since the beginning of time—they can “change their sex” with surgery and hormones. If these variations of butchery don’t resolve the malaise of these young people, “at least we tried to help them.”
That is from Substacker John Leake’s article, “Unable to Define Victory: The zealous pursuit of grand ambitions with no means of measuring success.” He concludes his article, “…success can never be attained in a measurable way, thereby justifying (in the minds of the greedy and the incurably foolish) the endless need to throw yet more money at it.”
If success can never be measured (partly because instead of success, most government interventions do more harm than good) then what results is a doom loop, of forever spending more money without solving the problems, if the problems were real in the first place. It’s even more impossible to measure success in a problem that doesn’t’ really exist, such as the trans genocide, man-made global warming, or universal systemic racism.
If Government Gives with One Hand, It Has to Take More with The Other Hand
Leftists’ “freedom from want” may sound good, but a government that is big and powerful enough to give you everything you need, is big and powerful enough to take everything you have. And where else is the government going to get everything, except by taking it from the people?
The leftists’ promise is that in the future you will own nothing, and only the government regulators will be happy.
The Leftist Doom Loop
For some reason, government taking money from people who earned it and giving it to people who didn’t earn it never seems to create prosperity. Instead, it enriches politicians and government officials and makes things worse for the rest of us. And it locks America into a Leftist Doom Loop:
When the U.S. government intervenes to fix a problem, not only do we the people have to pay for it, but the government intervention often causes more problems. So what is the way to fix the new problems? More government intervention. Rinse and repeat. Until doomsday.
Conclusion: Why This is Important!
Yes, the U.S. government will keep doing this to us, but not forever. It has to stop sometime, but not because the leftists will stop. (They won’t stop.) Modern Monetary Theory may prove to the leftists that the U.S. government can print an infinite amount of money, but they can’t. After a while it won’t be money, it will be digital toilet paper. They will use the Fed Central Bank Digital Currency to watch and control everything we buy, sell, or do 24/7 forever. That will be the end of the America we love.
Where Does This Fit In?
What should we, the right, do about the problems that leftists cause and the doomsday they promise? What can we do about it? That’s the $64 trillion question, of course. It’s easy to criticize the leftists and their phony “issues” — TRANS GENOCIDE!!! — and their incessant demands for more and bigger government. Very easy. And we love to. But, you may ask, what do we propose to do about them, and their intention to control us and destroy America? We’re glad you asked. The piece you are reading now is part of a larger work titled Anti-Leftism, which is itself part of the larger work that we call Rightful Freedom.
You can see the entire in-progress outline of Anti-Leftism at, if you’re interested. (Be warned, we may ask you to participate.)
Everything said in this article is sadly accurate and depressing. Wake up, Americans!
It's all a big fucking CON. So sick of the govtards running this country... into the ground.
I want an END to central govt. WE DONUT NEED IT. That would solve most of our problems right there.
And I love that "not gov-funded" sign, too.