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No time right now, but just want to tout the benefits of Iodine for all kinds of general detox, or just basic body functions? - just raised my daily dose back to 50 mg ( yes, mg, not mcg) from 25, since I thought "nobody has to take this high a dose for so many years." However, apparently I do. So in the last 3 days, back on the higher dose, I have been able to breathe freely again, and have not needed either the rescue inhaler or the essential oil remedy. And I just had the most delightful sneezing fit after coming in from the hayfever soup outside. Body doing its job expelling junk.

I was inspired by Jennifer DePew's articles about iodine, this the most recent - https://denutrients.substack.com/p/looking-beyond-the-overton-window

I am also soliciting comments from smart people about Iodine for Horses -


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thx, Phar...I have hashimoto's and bought some iodine a long time ago...it might not be tainted...might try it. I take armour thyroid from viet nam...

Looking for something for oxidative stress...chemtrails are killing me...

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As about 80 percent of Americans are iodine-deficient, iodine can be good in many cases. "Doctors," instead, prescribe "medications" for hypoactive thyroids, instead of checking for iodine levels...

I am usually against supplements, because I believe, they can make the body lazy and the body can stop producing what it gets without an effort. Moreover, synthetic supplements can do more harm than good b/o their unnatural molecular/crystal structure... Iodine must also be food-grade, when needed.

Please, check out my paradigm that explains "allergies" and "autoimmune diseases" better than allopathic medicine does:


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I'm reading, might take me a few days!

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