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I tried to answer not trivially, but with fewest words, the hurdles to the studies not being useful to the discussion of SFA from grass fed meat, or PUFA from something else.

My whole goal in reply in scope to your concern that my meat diet may not be healthy.

I offer this with as much data in the shortest time of any easy listening vid I recall.

Paul Mason, MD compares and differing lipids and their deadly effects in Atherosclerosis using many studies with dramatic differences. It's 26 mins. Would, a 62% increase in rate of death. There's also particular risk to women also, study n=48,000, starting at 26% risk in prior heart trouble up to 61% with seed oil. Watch the whole vid to hear the details and the parameter data.


If you are unwilling to review the data provided, you will be missing what you would need to teach me of a safer way.

Through some pain, I learned to listen with more humility to whom I didn't think i'd learn from for hidden treasure. Blessings.

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I decided to watch this video after all. My commentary is at https://robynchuter.substack.com/p/diving-down-the-low-carb-rabbit-hole.

By the way, the criticisms that you made of the studies that I cited had nothing to do with saturated fats from grass fed meat.

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I don't watch videos, I read studies. If you want to engage in serious discussion of scientific matters, provide me with the scientific citations, or just stop wasting my time.

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