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Had a very similar scenario with my 16 year old daughter last December. She shattered her first and second metatarsals in her foot and broke her collar bone. She was admitted at 1am after a long wait in the trolley queue in the corridor of A&E but to an old people’s orthopaedic ward at the Royal Surrey. Quite traumatic for her to be surrounded by shouting & disturbed old ladies. The upshot was after two days wait she was discharged on morphine with her foot in plaster, with little indication of when she would be operated on. We were driven to take the private surgeon route as we were worried that she would not be operated on before Christmas and the amount of pain she was in. Like you it was almost impossible to find the right people to talk to once you are discharged. Also once we mentioned private healthcare through desperation- everyone stopped caring about a young girl whose apprenticeship depended upon her having a healthy foot.

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