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Permission Granted
A Little Book of Permission Audio

A Little Book of Permission Audio

Listen to your free resource.

Sometimes the first step in making any change is taking things off your list of what you have to do. “A Little Book of Permission” is a magical list that gives you a moment to breathe, and to release a whole bunch of ideas around obligations and shoulds. I hope it will make you sigh and laugh and create a little more space for your dreams. It’s also for sale in paperback and ebook if you’d like to gift a sigh of relief to someone you know!

If you want to go further in with your Permission journey, today could be the first day you understand how to say yes to yourself and take action on your dreams. I made “How to Give Yourself Permission” for you to do that. It is a short audio course to lay the foundation and start the practise of figuring out what you want and how to go towards it.


Permission Granted
Permission Granted
SL Sourwine