Dr. Paul Marik on why doctors aren't speaking out
My blue pilled friends can't figure out why, if the vaccines are so dangerous, aren't more doctors speaking out. Here's why.
My blue pilled friends who believe the vaccines are safe have told me they would reconsider their position if just a single one of their own doctors came out against the vaccine. One of them said even if a “TV doctor” (such as Sanjay Gupta) said it was unsafe, they would reconsider their position.
I told them that doctors are afraid to speak out because they will lose their ability to practice medicine if they challenge the mainstream narrative.
My friends find that too hard to believe. They asked me incredulously, “Why would the medical community silence doctors who are trying to save lives?”
They didn’t believe my answer.
So I wanted to interview a doctor who is very highly respected and who is not an “anti-vaxxer” to explain it to them.
Here is my interview with Dr. Marik on the subject where he describes how he was personally retaliated by the medical community after he discovered early treatment work and the vaccines are unsafe. It’s really stunning. They actually had to fabricate patients who don’t exist.
Note also that Dr. Marik was a believer in the COVID vaccine; he took it just like he was told. It took him months looking at the evidence before he changed his mind.
I asked him in the interview, “Now that you realize the vaccines are not safe, could you have gotten it wrong this time?” He said, “No, the evidence is very clear.”
He regrets not having done his homework and trusting others when he took the shot. It was only after he looked at the data directly himself, he said the data was crystal clear.
When he started speaking out, he was retaliated against by the medical community.
Dr. Meryl Nass on doctors speaking out
Meryl Nass, like Dr. Marik, has been punished for speaking out.
Meryl Nass explains why most doctors did not speak out against the COVID-19 treatment protocol or even bother to look at the data: they trust the system.
"First, this has never happened before, we've never told patients, go home and wait, do nothing until you turn blue, that's ridiculous. That is unlike everything about normal medical care. So, how did it come to be that doctors accepted it? Well, they're [doctors] custom to believing the federal government and what their computer and electronic record tells them to do. So, you punch in the diagnosis and some committee tells you how you're supposed to treat the patient and that is the basis for establishing whether you've committed malpractice. So, if Fauci creates a committee, and by the way, Fauci never created a treatment committee before, that is not part of NIH's role, its always been a CDC role, but he took it on for some reason, if he creates a standard and that is the standard and you vary from it, if anything happens to your patient, you are liable to the charge of malpractice. If you use his standard and all the patients die, you can't be sued because that's the standard of care."
Watch: Meryl Nass interview with Terry Gilberg
Take action to support Dr. Marik and other doctors who speak out
If you believe that doctors and other medical professionals should be allowed to speak out without fear of retribution, please add your name to my petition here to show there is widespread support for this. This should take you less than 30 seconds and is important since legislators in states like California believe these doctors should be retaliated against.
You can view the signers here. The “sign up” link in the upper right is for Airtable, not for my petition.
Im a doc in private practice. I lost hospital privileges bc of the vax mandate . Im nat recovered as of aug 21. My practice partners are afraid if i speak out we will lose referrals. I have been called irresponsible and reckless by other doctors in my community. I have been told that I am endangering and threatening patient and staff safety. I have had pediatricians threaten to stop referring patients to my office because I have spoken out against giving a shot to children.
People in the medical community or not heroes. They are not particularly brave individuals. They’ve spent a long time getting to where they are and have spent a great deal of time and effort establishing their reputation. I am 55 years old And I’m at a point where if I could practice medicine anymore I would be fine financially to find out if things to do. This has much more to do with truth than my children’s future. A lot of doctors are just conformists
As a physician it does not take long to realize you are working in a “medical industrial complex.” It is a giant industry solely based on streams. Data streams. Income streams. Revenue streams. Referral streams. And the bigger the hospital the streams turn into rivers what end up draining into oceans that is the industry as a whole. Any person in the system that threatens the input into any of the streams is a marked person, and doctors have a unique ability to disrupt streams on multiple levels. Covid vaccines was a flood of government money that fed into those streams, and no one was ever going to let that money just flow by without getting more than a cup full. And they were never going to risk a physician taking cups away. The sad truth is corporations in medicine are all about the money, and the sicker you are, the more money for them. They see Covid vaccinations as a double dip into the revenue flood. They get paid for giving the vaccines and they get paid even more down the line to treat the side effects and bad outcomes. CEO’s of the hospitals and insurance companies (usually one in the same BTW) are laughing all the way to bank after their bought their vacation homes.