Global technocrats have identified the pressure points of humanity that have historically made populations susceptible to total control and they have accelerated their agenda by pressing down hard on all points. By connecting these pressure points to individual liberties, they are preparing a world where human behavior is controlled, and those liberties are reduced to temporary privileges tied to obedience and submission. Onboarding society into a world of mass digital surveillance with everything including humans connected to a networked “grid” makes their agenda incredibly easy to accomplish.
Medicine — fake viruses (or intentionally released real ones - I don’t care anymore, that’s all just a distraction) with deadly cures patented, prepared, and waiting. Suppress real treatments and vilify doctors and scientists who speak out and expose these crimes. Vaccination status is tied to liberty.
Energy — destroy grids, and supply chains, create inflation, and induce poverty. Tie intentional policy decisions that destroy cheap and effective energy solutions to laughable collective social aims like “democracy in Ukraine”. Connect “smart homes” with “smart meters” to energy grids so temperatures can be controlled remotely. Carbon Consumption is tied to liberty.
Food — make farming prohibitively expensive for all but big agricultural producers; destroy the land, air, and water through geoengineering which can be blamed on “climate change”. Outlaw farming practices that will force the closure of thousands of small farms (the Netherlands + wider EU) under the guise of “saving the planet” from “harmful gasses”. Eating meat is demonized. Eating habits are tied to liberty.
Transportation — make flying and global travel prohibitively expensive while forcing people into Electric Vehicles that are actually worse for the environment, can be managed by the state and are tied to the controlled energy grid (See the EU’s and California’s 2035 agenda to completely outlaw gas vehicles). Transportation frequency and distance are tied to liberty.
Money — Central Bank Digital Currencies are already at various stages of development and deployment. Most in development are top-down centrally controlled and programmable meaning they can have expiration dates if not spent to force consumers to spend, and they can be shut down for those who don’t obey. Labor is eliminated. Jobs made redundant. Industries are destroyed. Millions become wards of a state that controls the money. Spending habits and liberty are controlled by the state.
Fifty-four years ago the precursor group to Schwab’s WEF was formed. The year after the WEF was founded, they released their highly flawed analysis of global overpopulation and limited available resources to their projections of growth. The now-infamous book The Limits to Growth, despite being disproven and completely flawed, is still celebrated by the Malthusian group the Club of Rome as some kind of gospel that should determine all government and private sector decision-making.
All of the above bullet points are what the Club of Rome and World Economic Forum have in mind for a total overhaul under their coded terms like “sustainable future”. Terms like equity, solidarity, community, interconnected, and sustainable appear across all of these global technocrat front groups that are pushing Agenda 2030 initiatives that stress the earth is in peril, and humans are responsible and must make collective sacrifices.
All of their solutions, when properly decoded, portend nothing more than a return to a two-tiered society of neo-feudalism, that is to coincide with their depopulation agenda already underway. None of their collective rules for solidarity and sacrifices will apply to them.
From the Club of Rome’s website, they don’t even try to hide it:
Global equity for a healthy planet?
Translation: Global eco-communism with a small group of technocrats at the top with total control over humanity.
The U.S. dollar is still the global reserve currency, although, after sanctions on Russia and a lot of big moves by the BRICS alliance, its power and influence are quickly waning. The United States is a heavily indebted failing empire. Financially it’s in dire straights. Debt-to-GDP ratio is up 30% in three years to an unsustainable 133%. For historical reference, I’m a middle-aged man and it has increased by 300% in my lifetime. That debt needs to be constantly serviced. This year alone the U.S. will spend $400 Billion on interest payments on debt which is 35% more than the entire annual federal budget when I was born.
Other economic indicators are just as ominous. Two-thirds of Americans don’t have enough savings to change a flat tire and we are headed directly toward a long recession if not another great depression.
Household savings are at the lowest since the great recession, which was a historical low point, while credit card debt is at an all-time high.
The basic phases or cycles of empires are now well known to those who have been paying close attention to the quick rise and careless actions of the American empire:
Expansion (1920-1980)
Stabilization (1980-2005)
Decay (2005-2022)
Collapse (??)
From Phase 3, The Decay, of the Imperial Cycle:
The ruler of this era can be Caligula, a Royal Brat, or a possible well-meaning but inept ruler, Unfit for Greatness, who will only make things worse with their reforms; helping (or hindering) him are a cabal of obstructive and corrupt bureaucrats and the whole Decadent Court, some of whom are on the payroll of a Corrupt oligarch or two. Such an empire can already be called vestigial; it may not yet suffer loss of territories, but its influence is waning. The fate of Empire that enters this phase is to fall; the point of no return is already past, and no matter how gilded the empire's facade, its structure is rotting, and the only way to stop it is a top-down revolution, that is, to tear everything down and rebuild from scratch.
To tear everything down and rebuild from scratch.
A New World Order through a Great Reset?
Historically empires are always crushed by the weight of their own blind ambitions and arrogant recklessness. But what if those in power are using that historical fact to stop the transition to the final phase of unpredictable revolution and social discord?
The following is based on unconfirmed whistleblower leaks through a source who calls himself Bill Sweet of Occulum Labs in Vietnam. I’m not an investigative reporter, nor do I have an interest in becoming one, so I have not investigated the validity of Bill Sweet, or his source “Gideon”, or his claims, only that they do line up with what Globopsycho has told us is coming and what China has already rolled out. One week ago the Biden administration’s previously requested report on CBDCs confirmed that we might be only a year or two away from government-controlled money. Substitute “economic calamity” for “a year or two”, and it could come much sooner.
If you’ve been following even a minute of the pomp and pageantry of the Queen’s empty coffin movements — clearly a media programming operation to improve the image and approval rating of the new buffoonish WEF-funding King in the eyes of his subjects — you’ll have seen everywhere the word Sovereign.
There is a group of individuals, Great Reset resisters, who go by the name We Are Sovereign. Through a supposed series of whistleblower leaks by someone with the monicker “Gideon”, Globopsycho is already developing a new financial system.
It’s a new caste system called CSRQ, which stands for the four groups. Each individual will be assigned a group based on their social and financial status. The vast majority of the western world will be (C) Commons. The top 1% of society will be Sovereigns (S), and this includes politicians, media stooges, and celebrities. The “R” stands for Restricted and the “Q” for Quarantined, both of which will apply to those who do not obey the rules of the Sovereigns.
According to Gideon, this new financial system will be implemented after a massive economic calamity that sets the stage for people who desperately welcome any relief. Savings and retirement assets will be wiped out overnight. After a month or two or more of panic and chaos, they will introduce their new CSRQ system, with the sales help of their obedient media and corporate partners of course.
Desperate, hungry, and scared, people will welcome the new system. Gideon claims at first 20% will revolt, but they’ll fall in line within a month or two. The system provides for 1000 USDR (the new currency) which could stand for Universal Strategic Drawing Rights (?) or United States Dollar Reserve (?) deposited as a UBI into common accounts — the 99% of society who will live like serfs. Tied to this UBI is a social credit score, similar to the one already deployed in China. Behavior and submission will be tied to the digital currency that can be deducted, deleted, or erased by central authorities.
Again, I have not confirmed any of this, it’s all just a website and series of interviews with screenshots for evidence that anyone with rudimentary photoshop skills could produce. It could all be a load of horseshit, but interesting horseshit nonetheless.
While this “leaked evidence” aligns with what China has already deployed and what many governments around the world are currently exploring with programmable CBDCs, it has its many flaws, including the claim that only Sovereigns will be able to own property or assets. Apparently, only Sovereigns will be trading stocks and crypto, against computers maybe? Will all property be owned by Sovereigns or the state? Will previous land owners be wiped out and the state take over their land? Blackrock and Vanguard?
For a group of “white hats” exposing the global cabal, they can’t even maintain a proper website, so it’s difficult to take them seriously. They claim the ‘cabal’ has taken down Bill Sweet’s site Oculum Labs, and yet YouTube hasn’t taken down their videos? They also don’t allow comments on their videos, which is always a sign of something. Their home is now on a Wixsite, which a small child could create. The logical gaps in Gideon’s claims are numerous, but the idea of a two-tiered feudal system isn’t far off from where western society has been moving for decades.
Global technocracy is already here and efficiently managing humanity toward its depopulation and transhumanist agenda. To not see that is to be willfully naive.
Corporate State fascism is already here. The past two years have shown us that there is no democracy, there is no “power of the people”, and no consent of the governed. All governments are already captured and controlled and making policies on behalf of this Global technocratic order. The structure of this order and its future aims are not entirely knowable, but they are hiding in plain sight in groups like The Trilateral Commission, Bilderberg Group, the Club of Rome, and the now infamous World Economic Forum.
Is it really beyond reason to assert that one single economic calamity that leads to great suffering couldn’t create the reaction-solution scenario they need to implement what Gideon suggests is already under development?
Watch his interview below and decide for yourselves or view the PDF google drive document.
Is a scenario where fiat currencies are intentionally destroyed to usher in their next “solution” unthinkable? The Federal Reserve and Congress didn’t accidentally print $10 Trillion in a single year with bipartisan support under the pretense of supporting an economy that was being assaulted by intentionally destructive policy decisions to lock down the world.
Central banks have already destroyed equities markets. In the wake of the housing bubble collapse, money printing and “backstopping” with cheap credit through low-interest rates made speculative finance a print-or-crash-based industry addicted to “accommodation”. The current decline in markets is an intentional and managed decline.
Cryptocurrencies have now been hijacked by the predators of high finance that the entire space was designed to leave behind. There is a near direct correlation between the movements of U.S. tech equities (NDX) and Bitcoin which has all cryptos, including hundreds of shitcoins (thousands that don’t even trade) tethered to its volatile movements.
Central bank money printing and cheap credit access have destroyed the ability of every asset class to move in accordance with the economic principles of free markets and supply and demand. The housing market is about to undergo a swift correction to the downside due to rising mortgage rates, and the coming unemployment increase. In short, central banks have destroyed free market capitalism. And they, as well as western governments controlled by global technocrats and oligarchs, might be in the process of destroying currencies as well.
In February of this year, Michael Burry sent out a series of tweets warning about inflation. Burry is known for his predictions about the collapse of the Mortgage Backed Securities market two years before the house of cards came down in 2008. You’ll know him well if you’ve read the book The Big Short or seen the film version of the same title. He saw it all before anyone else did by simply reading the terms of the shitty loans that were bundled into those misrated securities.
In the case of hyperinflation, we can all see it coming. Yet very few are preparing.
Inflation is simply theft over time. It’s a poor tax that nobody talks about. The latest CPI print shows US inflation at 8.3%, the highest since 1982. However, as Peter Schiff points out the federal reserve doesn’t use the same CPI calculation as it did in 1982. They’ve essentially rigged it to hide inflation and justify printing endless money to transfer wealth to the top 1%. Using the 1982 calculation, inflation today is at 18% according to Schiff.
That figure shouldn’t surprise anyone given that the federal reserve and treasury have printed anywhere from $5-7 trillion in the past 30 months on top of Congress’ recent three-year drunken spending spree that started with the destructive and deadly CARES ACT in March 2020.
The plebs got locked down and $1400 stimmy checks for their ignorance and compliance, the stock market skyrocketed 133% over the next 18 months with endless Fed QE cocaine, and the net worth of the richest 1% doubled or tripled while millions of small businesses shuttered for good. Those businesses that did survive couldn’t find workers, because states incentivized them NOT to work and were paid better wages to stay home, order door dash, smoke weed, watch porn and play video games. In essence, the government paid them to be what Klaus Schwab’s sauna boy Yuval Harari calls “useless eaters”.
The first American UBI (universal basic income) program excluding welfare and unemployment was funded under the CARES ACT. The entire lockdown was used to destroy the economy — but only the “lesser classes” like business owners — while the government pretended to bail them out with forgivable loans.
All of it was done to accelerate the destruction of a currency that will soon no longer be able to support a national debt that will need to be written off. What better way to do this than control the “chaos”, engineer the “calamity”, and have the solution already waiting?
Does this all sound familiar? (whispers in his head: “release a virus, scare the shit out of humanity, lockdown, force vaccine”)
In order to get from where we are today to a two-tier feudal system of Sovereigns and Commons (assuming that’s even in the cards) a series of shocking events will need to unfold. A Global Currency Reset (excluding BRICS) cannot happen gradually. It would be such a surprise to the people who would be wondering why these technocrats are doing what they’re doing without the consent of the governed. Never underestimate the power of a well-engineered crisis.
If on the other hand, the U.S. dollar were to hit a level of hyperinflation that essentially rendered it worthless, where people were filling their Ford F-150 truck beds with dollars to go buy bread for their families, it would be the perfect situation to impose a currency reset using a completely fabricated system, of fake digital money, untraceable, unaccountable, with no real-world value and only enforced by the power of the state.
Is this really unfathomable?
The U.S. dollar has already been fake digital money for decades, untraceable, unaccountable with no real-world value other than the power of the state, and the agreement of the international community that it will continue to be the global reserve currency. In a Multipolar world, where increasing numbers of nations are turning to China and Russia for a completely separate financial system, the dollar’s days are numbered.
The geopolitical and economic circumstances are vastly different from Weimar Germany a century ago, but economics is economics and excessive ludicrous money printing always has devastating consequences.
The following excerpts are from Jens Parssons's book Dying of Money: Lessons of the Great German and American Inflations.
Germany was coming off a brutal defeat in World War I, with an equally brutal and vengeful set of economic reparations from the Treaty of Versailles, in addition to a naval blockade by the British that led to starvation and suffering.
The German Reichsmark began to lose value during the war, and its future depended on Germany winning the war. The currency became worthless in November of 1923, at 4.5 trillion to every gold-backed U.S. dollar, and a new system of currency was introduced (Rentensmarks) to stabilize the hyperinflation, but the socio-economic damage was done.
Parssons observes, “The first 90 percent of the Reichsmark's real value had already been lost before the middle of 1922.”
More from Dying of Money:
Still less clearly remembered are the years before the mark blew, with their breakneck boom, spending, profits, speculation, riches, poverty, and all manner of excess. Throughout these years the structure was quietly building itself up for the blow.
Sound familiar?
Germany started by not paying adequately for its war out of the sacrifices of its people—taxes—but covered its deficits with war loans and issues of new paper Reichsmarks.
Sound familiar?
And so long as the government could spend money it did not have, faster than its value could fall, Germany had both its war and life as usual, which was the same as having the war free of charge.
Endless wars followed by the global financial meltdown accelerated Fed money printing to keep markets afloat while inflating an “everything bubble” has created similar conditions for the dying U.S. empire.
Every ACT of congress, every contrived war this century, every new bill, and new executive order has been in service of the corporate class, the oligarch class that works for global technocrats to loot the treasury and who will be given advanced notice of any changes so they can convert all their assets to the new system —whatever that will be.
The plandemic $10 trillion cherry on top may well have been the bomb to accelerate the final phase of hyperinflation. It’s easy to view this reckless money printing and untenable deficits as run-of-the-mill bureaucratic incompetence, and that’s exactly what those in government positions are paid to help the people view it as because they will be rewarded greatly for their incompetence once the switch is made to a new system.
People have already been alarmed at the rate of price increases over the past year, but the bomb hasn’t even gone off yet. The fuse is still burning as they engineer the controlled demolition of western industries. As Igor Chudov recently pointed out through decoding the WEF agenda, they’re using AI to pick winners and losers in various industries. All those losers will leave millions in the lurch, with nowhere to turn but the state. The accelerated rise of robotics and automation will leave millions more on the breadlines with their hands out. Add open borders across the U.S. and EU with unlimited third-world migration adding millions more hands held out for assistance, and the situation becomes catastrophic.
Desperation breeds exploitation. Political and financial.
Engineered mass desperation can onboard any prepared solution. Even toxic injections.
When the bomb does go off, it might be worse than it was for Germany in 1923. Times were different back then, and people were more insulated from global catastrophes. People used to grow their own food and shared with each other through trade. Communities supported each other and helped where help was needed. Today people, especially in urban and suburban areas have turned suspicious of their neighbors, disconnected from any communities, become bitterly divided over trifling political theatres meant to divide them, and most importantly do not grow their own food.
In a panic situation where the vast majority of the population is suffering, starving, and in need of anything to help them, a UBI under a neo-feudal system might be welcomed.
Hyperinflation happens gradually, then all at once.
Reichsmark values:
November 1921: Gold Reichsmark = 20 Paper Reichsmarks
November 1922: Gold Reichsmark = 1282 Paper Reichsmarks
November 1923: Gold Reichsmark = 115,607,000,000,000 Paper Rms
Turkey and Argentina are on the precipice. Turkey is one to watch closely as they teeter between NATO and Russian alliances with threats against NATO member Greece. The nation sits right in the historical geopolitical center of Eurasian great game scheming.
Russia is recovering from a western-inflicted shock but the west is just beginning to feel the economic pain. Poland is not even on this list and inflation is higher than in the Netherlands. The same goes for the Czech Republic and Hungary and other countries that don’t have the Euro.
Using the old calculation all of the anti-Russian western alliances are pushing higher than 20% consumer price inflation. What happens when the recession gets worse and companies start with mass layoffs? Winter hasn’t even started across a 500 million population bloc where each country has gone Lord of The Flies to secure energy futures.
Will there be a single “problem” that triggers an economic collapse?
In a state of total chaos and lawlessness, where people are desperate and helpless, anything is possible.
Gideon’s claims of 1000 USDR common monthly drips to keep the masses docile and compliant don’t seem so crazy when viewed through a lens that decodes “sustainable future” to mean exactly what it really means: to create an entire western population of wards who own nothing and are told to be happy.
But a future sustainable for whom?
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Great piece, TGC.
I do want to add that well before the Club of Rome and the WEF, the Frankfurt School, still based to this day at Columbia U in NYC, was advocating for virtually the came outcomes as the CoR and WEF.
They are the true genesis of all we are experiencing today.
I remember spending an entire month on the Frankfurt School as I pursued a grad degree in Econ. That was the early 80's, well before the innerweb, and all we had was the school library to peruse tomes by Marcuse, Adorno, Fromm, Pollack, Kirschheimer, and others.
They knew a world Marxist gubmint could never be established until "The American Man" was eliminated. And they were correct.
The FS is also where "critical theory" and the Dialectical method came from. It is the FS that said Hollywood, journalism and edumacation needed to be taken over from within to destroy the family unit, and therefore "The American Man."
The CoR and WEF just climbed on the Frankfurt School narrow shoulders and became tactical.
The world was warned 70+ years ago, and the world ignored it.
And now we reap what we ignored.
The survivalist question is "Are We Too Late?"
Or is the coup complete?
And if not, what are we willing to personally sacrifice to save The Great American Experiment?
Local parallel economies. Very possible scenario of secession with creation of a new republic and its own currency.