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That's a fascinating tweet from Ben Shapiro. (“If you want to de-polarize American society, begin with a simple task: say publicly that someone you totally disagree with…is a nice human being and people should give them a read or listen.”) If one assumes he is speaking to "the libs" and simply forgetting (how embarrassing!) to consider whether the identical message should apply to his own "conservative" side, a possible reply would be: "u first." But I think these performers of extremism don't merely forget to root out their own hypocrisy. They're being hypocritical on purpose, performatively. It's part of their act. So they don't need it pointed out to them. Ben Shapiro here, I think, is mimicking the discourse of those who perceive themselves as "reasonable centrists," and he's attempting to defuse the popularly lauded value of de-polarized civility by showing it has no power over him. I hear him saying "mi mi mi mi mi," opening and closing his hand like a talking duck, imitating Joe-Biden voice, making a joke out of the thing he's never gonna do.

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