"A war may be fought with weapons, but won by men. It is the spirit of men who follow and of the man who leads that gains the victory."
- George S. Patton.
The objective is simple: destroy the deep state and return the executive office of the President back to its original and constitutional intent. The strategy to accomplish this (as we know it today) is two-fold: 1) use executive and judicial branch powers to legally combat and take down the shadow government agencies and 2) use clandestine military intelligence groups to combat other 3 letter intelligence agencies.
Before we get into the executive and judicial weapons used we must first understand the battlefield we are currently operating in. As mentioned in previous articles, we are still in a national emergency declared in 2001 (extended until now) and subsequent Continuity of Government (COG) declared by President Bush. That means the Executive Branch (including the EOP) is operating according to their prepared primary mission essential functions (PMEFs).
Executive Orders
With many of the agencies in a COG form of operations, it will be essential for Trump and his allies to reduce the strength of the agencies first and then remove them from a continuity of government posture. To do this Trump first enacted several executive orders. Here are the executive orders that are a direct assault on the EOP/Deep State:
EO 13836 - Developing Efficient, Effective, and Cost-Reducing Approaches To Federal Sector Collective Bargaining
EO 13837 - Ensuring Transparency, Accountability, and Efficiency in Taxpayer-Funded Union Time Use
EO 13839 - Promoting Accountability and Streamlining Removal Procedures Consistent With Merit System Principles
EO 13957 - Creating Schedule F in the Excepted Service
It is important to understand that most (if not all) of the professional civil servant jobs are protected by unions and the collective bargaining agreements (CBA) negotiated between the agency and the union. EO 13836 addresses some of the trappings:
CBAs, and other agency agreements with collective bargaining representatives, often make it harder for agencies to reward high performers, hold low-performers accountable, or flexibly respond to operational needs.
In other words, we have many entrenched permanent shadow government employees who are being protected and doing a lousy job. That is not to say there are not honorable and hard working ones as well. This executive order aims to correct that.
With EO 13837, President Trump took aim at the abuse that has resulted because of these CBA’s and the low performers in government agencies. From section 1 of the executive order:
…agencies should ensure that taxpayer-funded union time is used efficiently and authorized in amounts that are reasonable, necessary, and in the public interest.
Executive order 13839 tackles the issue of how to remove these entrenched professional civil servants who are not performing adequately and/or abusing their roles. From section 1:
Merit system principles call for holding Federal employees accountable for performance and conduct. They state that employees should maintain high standards of integrity, conduct, and concern for the public interest, and that the Federal workforce should be used efficiently and effectively. They further state that employees should be retained based on the adequacy of their performance, inadequate performance should be corrected, and employees should be separated who cannot or will not improve their performance to meet required standards.
These executive orders are not unreasonable and are what I would expect a good businessman to enforce in any company. However, the deep state did not see it that way. They say this as an attack on their stronghold. Truth be told, it probably was an attack. Of course these orders were fiercely challenged. According to Landon R.Y. Storrs in the Politico, Trumps plan is nefarious:
Trump’s goal is not just a smaller bureaucracy, but a more ideologically congenial one.
A government of sycophants selected for personal loyalty rather than expertise cannot check authoritarianism or protect the public interest from exploitation for private gain.
Landon Storrs is not wrong. The problem is that these agencies are already filled with partisan sycophants who exercise unbridled authoritarianism against the private citizens. Federal judge Ketanji Brown-Jackson was particularly opposed to such measures:
Federal Judge Brown Jackson’s 119-page decision of August 25, 2018 struck down several provisions of these three orders. The Judge’s opinion centered on the both the general and specific thrusts of the orders that constituted an over-reach of presidential authority inconsistent with the two cornerstone goals of the FSLMRS: (1) the right to bargain collectively over working conditions as allowed under the statute and (2) the duty to bargain in good faith. Judge Brown Jackson stated several provisions of the order essentially undermine the “principle mission of the FSLMRS…to protect the collective bargaining rights of federal workers, based on Congress’s clear and unequivocal finding that ‘labor organizations and collective bargaining in the civil service are in the public interest.’” Thus, the Judge declared invalid and enjoined the President’s subordinates from implementing the following provisions:
Is it any coincidence that Judge Jackson now sits on the Supreme Court. Perhaps a coincidence or more likely a desperate attempt to throw a wrench in the machinations of Reconstitution. Either way, the effort will not succeed in stopping what is to come. What we do know is that based on the left’s reaction to these orders, Trump and his allies were directly over the target. How much so? Let’s take a look at the final executive order.
By far, Executive Order 13957 is the most brazen attack on the deep state by President Trump.
So much so that the video linked below is worth your time in watching.
Dinesh describes the Schedule F plan as “unbelievably creative and effective.” Trump’s opponents would argue that this is a direct assault on democracy:
This is a direct threat to democracy and the rule of law. The only reason for Trump to do this is to make it easier to fire federal employees who dare to disagree with him.
We should all know by now that the term “direct threat to democracy’ is code for direct threat to the deep state and corruption. Make no mistake the cross hairs are clearly upon the EOP agencies/shadow government/swamp. Trump will be returning, and when he does, he will be coming for the deep state players:
Former Trump administration officials, lawmakers and former President Donald Trump himself are revisiting some of their most controversial federal workforce policies as a playbook for a possible second term.
Trump said Tuesday that he supported bringing these policies back as part of a campaign promise to “drain the swamp” and rid the career civil service of “deep state” actors.
“We need to make it much easier to fire rogue bureaucrats who are deliberately undermining democracy, or at a minimum just want to keep their jobs,” Trump said during the summit’s keynote address.
Trump also urged lawmakers to pass legislation that would make it easier to fire career federal employees — echoing several of the executive orders he signed during his term.
“Congress should pass historic reforms empowering the president to ensure that any bureaucrat who was corrupt, incompetent or unnecessary for the job can be told — did you ever hear this — ‘You’re fired. Get out, you’re fired,” Trump said.
It is clear that the trenches of this war are dug right down the middle of Pennsylvania Avenue and any civil servant working for a three letter agency should prepare for a bad case of trench foot because the battle is gonna get muddy and it’s far from over.
Some of the first Executive Orders revoked by President Biden were those we previously mentioned (13836, 13837, 13839, and 13957). They know where their unconstitutional power lies. However, the assumed power that Biden thought he stole in 2020 is no longer there. The snapback to the Constitution is what cut him off at the knees.
President Trump also rescinded NSPD 51 which granted almost exclusive powers to the POTUS during COG. Trump’s PPD 40 is still under seal but we can witness the effects it is having on the powers of the President…or the limitations thereupon.
Executives orders can be issued and rescinded with the stroke of a pen. Donald Trump had to know this. So why issue Executive Orders that could easily be revoked? Perhaps just the threat of these orders being issued again is enough to bring some professional bureaucrats back in line. These permanent government employees must know a red wave is coming and that if Trump runs in 2024 he will most likely win. That stroke of Trump’s pen could be a great weapon of deterrence.
Judicial Appointments
During Presidents Trumps first term he was able to appoint 3 Supreme Court judges. This is a staggering number by comparison to previous administrations.
Trump also had a major influence on the nation’s highest court. The three Supreme Court justices he appointed – Neil Gorsuch, Brett Kavanaugh and Amy Coney Barrett – are the most by any president since Ronald Reagan (who appointed four) and the most by any one-term president since Herbert Hoover (though Richard Nixon appointed four in his first four years in office).
President Trump didn’t just appoint SCOTUS judges for quick victories such as overturning Roe v Wade. Donald Trump is in for the long game.
The impact will be enduring. Among the Trump-appointed judges, who hold lifetime positions, several are still in their 30s. The three Supreme Court picks could still be on the court at the 21st century’s midpoint, 30 years from now.
In addition to the huge impact on the highest court, Trump also went on the offensive to appoint lower federal and appellate judges too.
The impact of these appointments has already been felt but it will continue for some time. For those of you waiting for the 6 to 3 majority to wither away soon, you will be waiting a long time.
“I think it’s far and away the most consequential thing I’ve ever been involved in,’’ the 78-year-old McConnell said in an interview. “And it’s the most long-lasting accomplishment of the current administration, by far.’’
Donald Trump leaves the White House having appointed more than 200 judges to the federal bench, including nearly as many powerful federal appeals court judges in four years as Barack Obama appointed in eight.
The judicial appointments are the constitutional equivalent of long range Howitzers trained on enemy positions and raining bombs on our enemies for years to come. The shockwaves are already being felt. No more so than the recent ruling in 2022 of West Virginia v. the EPA.
Major Questions Doctrine
It is one thing to have guns fixed on enemy positions but if you have no ammunition then it is really just for show. Trump is a showman for sure, but in this case, he is loaded for bear. Understand this, the Supreme Court majority that we have now has it’s marching orders: Go after the agencies! To do this, they are given the “major questions doctrine” (MQD). Below is a good definition:
Significantly—and disturbingly—West Virginia v. Environmental Protection Agency marks the official arrival of the major questions doctrine into the Supreme Court’s jurisprudence. Put simply, this doctrine holds that the Court shouldn’t defer to agencies (as it has been doing for the last four decades or more) if and when an agency appears to do something novel, and if that action—most often, a regulation—might have “vast economic and political significance.” And who gets to define what a “major question” is, or what an agency is permitted to do, you ask? Why, the justices themselves, of course. So troubling is this idea that some have characterized the major questions doctrine as an unprecedented power grab by the Supreme Court, essentially allowing its more conservative justices to strike down any federal regulations that aren’t to their liking.
Let’s be perfectly clear, this is not a power grab by the SCOTUS, it is another constitutional bowling pin being put back in its rightful place by the master pinsetter. This is reining in the enormous and unconstitutional power of these executive agencies. Here is more regarding the supreme courts use of MQD:
In its initial outing, the U.S. Supreme Court's conservative majority said that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) couldn't regulate tobacco without a clear congressional mandate. Most recently, it has applied the doctrine in striking down the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) moratorium on evictions during the pandemic. It now seems poised to do so in a case involving EPA's power to regulate carbon emissions from coal-fired power plants.
Can you see how this MQD is being used against the agencies and the deep state over all? Whereas they were once untouchable by the judiciary, the judiciary found a way to reel them in. Here is what Chief Justice John Roberts had to say:
As Roberts writes, the MQD “label” has now taken “hold because it refers to an identifiable body of law that has developed over a series of significant cases all addressing a particular and recurring problem: agencies asserting highly consequential power beyond what Congress could reasonably be understood to have granted.”
In what could be considered the most damning of all declarations of war against the agencies in the EOP and the shadow government, consider this:
The basic idea of the MQD is easy enough to state: courts should be skeptical whenever an executive agency interprets a law to empower itself in an extraordinary or novel manner, withholding the deference that agencies customarily receive when interpreting ambiguous statutory language. If the executive branch is going to take a transformative action, it must show that legislators clearly intended to enable that action, and not merely that they once enacted statutory language that could be plausibly read to include it. Failing that, courts should block the action.
And this assessment from Stanford Law:
The Court’s decision plainly weakens a longstanding, even bedrock, principle of administrative law. That longstanding principle is that courts are to grant agencies deference—known as Chevron deference—when the agency interprets its own statutes. To be sure, the Roberts Court has been chipping away at that deference rule for years. Among other things, it has narrowed the types of agency actions that are entitled to Chevron deference. And, increasingly, the Court doesn’t mention Chevron at all even in cases where it would seem to apply. What makes the Court’s decision so important is that, in contrast to these earlier efforts to nibble around Chevron’s edges, the “major questions” doctrine mounts something closer to a full-scale frontal assault.
And finally, from the dissenting opinion of Justice Elena Kagen
Yet the Court today prevents congressionally authorized agency action to curb power plants' carbon dioxide emissions. The Court appoints itself—instead of Congress or the expert agency—the decision-maker on climate policy. I cannot think of many things more frightening.
This is very frightening to all the right people in our opinion. This is just the opening salvo from what is sure to be more judiciary oversight.
We The People
Perhaps the greatest weapon in all of this is you! The forgotten men and women of this country were a focus of Trump’s 2016 campaign and remain a focus of returning power to the people.
A President doesn’t return power to the people by somehow preserving all of the power in the office for himself or any other President.
It could never be about Trump himself or the office of the President. The throne of the President-King must be destroyed. So it is up to us to ensure our local elections are safe, secure , and fair. In Donald Trump’s farewell address, he left us this:
Above all, we have reasserted the sacred idea that, in America, the government answers to the people. Our guiding light, our North Star, our unwavering conviction has been that we are here to serve the noble everyday citizens of America. Our allegiance is not to the special interests, corporations, or global entities; it’s to our children, our citizens, and to our nation itself.
As President, my top priority, my constant concern, has always been the best interests of American workers and American families. I did not seek the easiest course; by far, it was actually the most difficult. I did not seek the path that would get the least criticism. I took on the tough battles, the hardest fights, the most difficult choices because that’s what you elected me to do. Your needs were my first and last unyielding focus.
This, I hope, will be our greatest legacy: Together, we put the American people back in charge of our country. We restored self-government. We restored the idea that in America no one is forgotten, because everyone matters and everyone has a voice. We fought for the principle that every citizen is entitled to equal dignity, equal treatment, and equal rights because we are all made equal by God. Everyone is entitled to be treated with respect, to have their voice heard, and to have their government listen. You are loyal to your country, and my administration was always loyal to you.
The belief that a nation must serve its citizens will not dwindle but instead only grow stronger by the day.
The weapons of Reconstitution are formidable if you understand their use and what they are designed to accomplish. The Executive Orders can and have been easily rescinded by President Biden to render them ineffective. However, they can easily be reenacted again and they do give us a clue as to what Trump plans to do in the future by perhaps even making it a campaign issue:
Former President Donald Trump, according to recent reports from Axios, plans to make these policies the focus of a not-yet official campaign for a second presidential term.
It is true that Biden could issue executive orders and try to repair the damage done to the President-King’s throne. However, it is through the judiciary that the power is put on display. The Judiciary now has the tools and the motivation to contain the Executive Branch. We have witnessed the executive powers being challenged in court already during the pandemic and the constitution has won.
A conservative SCOTUS comprising of a 6 to 3 majority and armed with the Major Questions Doctrine is THE frontal assault on the Deep State we have all been waiting for but were told it would look differently. It cannot be overstated how effective and how devastating these legal and constitutional means of battling the deep state are. How important is the Judicial Branch to Trumps plan? We believe Q has an idea of how important was:
The first post from Q in almost 18 months just happens to be the same week of the most important SCOTUS decisions in our lifetime. Oh, and the first time the MQD was used in a recent ruling exclusively. There are no coincidences. A constitutional SCOTUS along with an active and engaged citizenry can see us through until Trump returns. However, there are those who are duty bound, working silently on our behalf, and are loyal to Donald J Trump. The President’s Army has been fighting in the shadows along with Q and the army of Anons. Next up in this series is Moves and Countermoves: The Purpose of Q.
17th Special Operation Group
Thank you very much for sending me this article which I found to be excellent. It gives me a small glimpse into the "gentle" way of winning. I hope that the alliance of military forces will be able to create preconditions for this gentle revolution, everyone hopes that. Best wishes
Thank you for pointing out the specific actions that Trump took to return us to the Constitutional Republic of our founding.
Regarding the civil service: I am a retired civil servant who served 25 years in the AF, starting when I was 35. Civil servants in government DO NOT need to be ‘represented’ by unions. Unions were created to force industrialists to provide safe work conditions and doesn’t apply. I fought against this for years as all federal agencies have regulations that cover all aspects of civil service. They’re only in place to protect the underperforming lazy employees. As one of the 10% that could be counted on to get whatever job assigned completed, often doing the work of several government ‘slugs’ in the process. (Sorry for the rant; still irritated about it 10 years post retirement). The vast majority of agencies must be disbanded; essentially all that are not doing work assigned to the Federal Government by the Constitution.
Thank you for this series... Reading this has truly been worthwhile!