Alida Winternheimer 

An award-winning writer & developmental editor, Best American Essays notable, 3x Pushcart nominated, when she is not writing, reading, or teaching writing, you can find Alida kayaking, cycling, or being walked by her golden retriever in Minneapolis.

Tomorrow I'll be at Gigi's Cafe (Minneapolis), in conversation with Jon J.D. Lurie, author of Canoeing with Jose. I've been preparing all week, staging on the dining room table. Books, check. Signing pen, check. Bookmarks, check. Mic and speaker, check. Fresh haircut, check. Nerves in check, check.

Jon and I met last week to prep, so I c…

I love this picture, the perms, the heart in lights, the connection that is palpable between these sisters.

My sister’s birthday just passed. She was 53 when she died and the night before she died, she called me and said, “Write, Mary, write!

Here’s a photo of me and my sister who encouraged me so, so much—we’d just gotten crazy hair permanents and we look a little ridiculous:

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On the anniversary of my dad’s death, I’m sharing an essay that was published in Passengers Journal, about what it’s like to have a father with dementia, to lose your connection to him over time and grasp for it when it appears occasionally. It’s about my dad, who he was, and what taking care of him required. But it’s really about time a…