The seduction of this antisemitism, in the words of Sartre, is that it is a form of Manichaeism that “explains the course of the world by the struggle of the principle of Good with the principle of Evil.” In such a world, the Evil Jew controls the levers in all aspects of society.
It is this evil that allows the “Good” antisemite to be “i…
We returned to the Catholic cemetery where I, against the advice of my guide, walked up to a worker and asked him where the Jewish cemetery was. He didn’t know English and as my question was translated, his eyes widened. He looked me up and down and when he heard me addressed as “Edward” he let out a laugh. He then pointed down the road …
Several Howard University faculty members say that Kendi’s antiracism theories "conflict with theories taught by current faculty." They also charge Kendi with trying to salvage his career by using the Howard imprimatur.
This proves two things.
1) Kendi's career was paved by white guilt liberals.
2) Blacks like Kendi do not represent all bl…