Patricia Rose 

Woman. Writer. Traveler. Mystic. I am hearing the Call - I give Voice to feminine mysticism, spiritual pilgrimage, and the ancient power of sisterhood.

5 brutal truths from those at the end of life:

1. They spent too much time being who others wanted them to be.

2. They sacrificed joy for work that didn’t fulfill them.

3. They swallowed their feelings instead of speaking their truth.

4. They let friendships fade when they needed them most.

5. They waited too long to allow themselves to be happy.

Regret is loud. Don’t wait until it’s too late to listen.


Caught myself in a negative thought spiral .

Paused. And then remembered I can choose differently.

Here’s a sunrise moment of peace for you too, from the Ganges River. 🙏

Love, Me

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Sharing the Voices of Sisters and Sirens .. and spreading the love too!

[ IWD Siren Songs collab ]

The Siren’s Call: Answering the Whispers of Our Souls